chapter sixteen | home (NSFW)

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Despite what I thought, my parents loved Austin and even invited him to Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and Easter.

We finally arrive back to Los Angeles and I can now settle back into our condo. It feels weird saying "our condo", but I did make it look as good as it does, so I think I deserve the title.

Austin was scheduled for a couple of interviews for Elvis. We both agreed that we weren't going to be able to keep our relationship out of the public eye, especially with everything going on, so there's no reason for us to hide.

Eve showed up at our door at 7:00 a.m. with a big smile on her face, a suitcase full of clothes, and three drinks from the coffee shop.

"I'm so glad you agreed to letting me style you." She says hugging me tight.

"I'm glad too, I was starting to run out of clothes to wear and I sure as hell wouldn't let anyone else dress me." I laugh.

She unpacks her bags laying out all of the outfits after going over what the plans were for the day.

Eve puts Austin in black Prada slacks, a black cashmere long sleeved shirt, and his simple Cartier leather watch with black boots to match.

Eve dresses me in a white Prada long sleeved cashmere polo tucked into brown jacquard knit shorts and a brown matching belt. She adds a pair of white sneakers, ankle high socks, dainty gold rings to my fingers, and small gold hooped earrings.

We make our way to the studio where the interview is and I stay behind after Austin introduces me to everyone. The interviewer looks past my shoulders behind me once she hears the door open.

"Olivia! You are just on time!" The interviewer says showing her where her seat is.

For fucks sake, I forgot about Olivia.

How could I forget? Austin basically cheated on me with her. Well, we weren't technically together. But whatever.

"Hi everyone!"

She took a seat on the couch next to Austin. I can't lie it was a pretty satisfying watching them awkwardly sitting there before the cameras started rolling. He gave her a soft hello and she barely acknowledged him.

As much as I don't want to know what happened. I kind of do.

They answered questions about the movie and played games based on Elvis trivia.

After being forced to sit in the same room as my boyfriend's mistress for an hour and a half we were finally dismissed from set.

"What a lovely surprise. A heads up would've been nice." I say sarcastically to Austin as I get into the car.

"I forgot." He says under his breath not looking at me.

"Is there an issue?" I stare at him until he looks over to me.

"I don't know what you want me to tell you, we did just shoot a movie together. I figured you would've already gotten the memo." He snaps.

"You seriously can't be annoyed or nasty with me right now. I wasn't the one banging her in another country after saying "I love you" to another girl living with you back home."

"Jesus fucking Christ, Alina." He said shaking his head.

"Jesus fucking Christ is right, Austin." I roll my eyes.

I stare out the window and sit as far from his as I possibly can for the rest of the ride home.

I didn't say another word for the next couple of hours. I'm not going to argue over me being annoyed about something he did.

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