chapter ten | your girl (NSFW)

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It was officially Austin's last day of working for the week. He invited me to the recording studio to watch him record the music he was going to sing in the movie.

"You ready, lady?" Austin asks while grabbing his keys. He's wearing a black button up and black jeans.

"Yes I am, Mr. Presley." I giggle following him out the door.

We arrive to the recording studio after nearly an hour of driving.

"Are you sure I'm allowed to be here?"

"Why wouldn't you be? Plus, if anybody questions you, just tell them you're Austin's girl."

The butterflies rip through my intestines.

Did I hear that correctly? Austin's girl?

"Oh really, Austin's girl?" I chuckle teasingly.

"Yeah. Austin's girl." He says smiling.

Austin gives me a nervous smile before grabbing the handle to the entrance.

"You're gonna do great."

I am directed to sit down on a couch near a bunch of people who looked way too important to be in my presence, while Austin is behind a glass wall with a band.

After talking to the movie director and his music coach he finally comes up to the microphone. He grabs an acoustic guitar, begins to wiggle his fingers, and shake his leg before opening his eyes and beginning to play and sing "Baby Let's Play House."

In that moment he completely transformed, he was no longer Austin. I was in awe by how he sounded exactly like Elvis and how he was no longer just recording a song, he was performing.

Seeing him practicing his wiggle in front of us I understood why girls would throw themselves at Elvis Presley. I wanted to jump through that window and do nasty things to that man.

He does the song a couple times in a row before moving onto Trouble.

Now this performance made me feel things I didn't think I would feel while listening to a man sing.

He looks into my eyes while singing, his face dripping in sweat. You could feel the passion burning in his eyes. I was mesmerized by his voice and the way he moved his body.

They did a couple more takes on that song until they realized we had been recording for over eight hours. In between the pauses, the restarts, the vocal coach stopping Austin to try again, and the frustration in his face when he didn't hit a note correctly, the time had flown by.

The director thanked everyone for their hard work, dismissing them. I sat still waiting for Austin. He was still behind the glass wall by himself, with his head in his hands. I couldn't distinguish if he was tired, frustrated, or upset.

A couple minutes pass and he hasn't budged. I open up the door slowly and quietly make my way over to him. I kneel down in front of him and place a hand on his knee gently.

"Honey.." I whisper.

"I don't know if I can do this anymore, Alina."

"Hey now, you listen to me- you were incredible. I have never, ever, ever seen anything like that in my life Austin. You were born to play this role, you understand?"

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