chapter four | redemption (NSFW)

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It had been a couple days since Austin and I had our steamy encounter. That night, we had agreed to meet at the bookstore tonight for our weekly "book club." We haven't spoken since which makes me a bit worried.

Of course I walk in with Maya's Iced Americano and a herbal tea for Austin.

"Hey kid. Austin's in there." She winks at me pointing to the closet.

So he got here first? The butterflies grew in my stomach at the thought of seeing him.

I opened up the curtain to find Austin sprawled out on the beanbag, eyes closed, listening to Elvis Presley's '68 comeback special.

"Hey." I say softly trying not to startle him.

His eyes open and a smile grew on his face.

"Hey there lady."

I scan his face and realize his hair is now jet black. My jaw drops. "Woah!"

"I took your advise." He runs his fingers through his hair.

His face is so angelic. His smell is intoxicating. But I have to snap out of it. I can not catch feelings for Austin.

"It looks good." I say as I sat next to him and handed him the tea in exchange for the book he was handing me.

"This was a slow start for me. Not boring by any means, just a tad repetitive until about halfway through. But everything that happens during the slow start is pivotal to the end, which I promise you will-"

"I didn't stop you the other night because I didn't want to have sex. I stopped you because I don't want it to ruin our friendship." I blurted.

Austin's eyes immediately grew worried.

"The reason sex ruins friendships is because the people involved let it. I wouldn't let that happen, would you?"

I shake my head. "No, never."

"I didn't think so." Austin whispers while brushing the hair in my face behind my ear.


I finally make it back home after hours of listening to music and Austin showing me his Elvis impersonations.

I felt so relieved after Austin and I's conversation about the other night.

I'm startled by a loud ding from my phone.

I'm startled by a loud ding from my phone

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God he knows exactly what he's doing.

I let Austin know I would be over soon. I quickly hop in the shower to freshen myself up.

Just in case of course.

"For fucks sake." I can't find a single pair of matching underwear. Lace is cute regardless right? I throw on an oversized T-shirt and biker shorts. Easier to take off right?

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