chapter twentytwo | finale

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June 11, 2022

Alina joined Austin and his fellow cast members and representatives of the Presley family for the Memphis premiere at Graceland of Elvis.

"It all started here, and it's amazing we are all back here." Baz says as the cast poses in front of flashing cameras and antsy reporters.

Austin holds Alina close as they approach an interviewer who had been waving him down.

"Austin, how do you feel to be at Graceland for the premiere of Elvis?"

"It feels like coming home to me." Austin replies.

"Alina, we understand that you have been along side Austin throughout this whole experience, how excited are you to see the final outcome?" The interviewer turns the microphone over to Alina.

"Honestly, Austin gave this role everything that he had left in him. I am so proud of him and I can't wait to be blown away by his talent." Alina says into the microphone as Austin watches her lips as she speaks, his cheeks turning blush.

"You both look amazing tonight. Thank you both." The interviewer says before turning back to the camera, waiting for her next victim.

The couple make their way into the theater and are instructed by staff to sit in their reserved seats alongside the Presley family.

Once everyone is settled into their seats the lights turn down slowly, as the crowd grows silent. The curtains open to the giant screen before the vocal intro to Suspicious Minds begins to play.

Alina's jaw drops as soon as she sees the beginning scene, of Austin portraying Elvis in his blue and gold jumpsuit singing An American Trilogy.

The two hours and thirty nine minutes pass and the entire crowd stands on their feet giving the cast a twelve minute standing ovation. Alina pauses her clapping and wipes the tears off of Austin's face.

Austin looks up to the sky and let's out a deep breathe, collecting himself. Baz pulls Austin into a hug as the crowd continues to roar and cheer.

Once Austin thanks all of his cast members he pulls Alina into a tight squeeze before cupping her delicate face into his hands and kissing her. He holds her close to his face before mouthing "Thank you."

The tears pour from Alina's face as she mouths back "I love you."

He kisses her head before making his way onto the stage with Baz.

"Thank you everyone for being here tonight." Baz begins. "I couldn't have asked for a better crew." He says grabbing Austin's shoulder.

Austin is handed the microphone and the crowd roars before he even says anything. "Getting to experience this right now with all of you feels like I need to be pinched.. it is just magic. Thank you everyone for being here, thank you to the amazing crew, my costars, to the Presley family for making me feel so warm and welcome. But most importantly thank you Baz for changing my life, and thank you to my beautiful girlfriend, who without her, I would have not been able to make it through the process."

The crowd cheers as Austin and Baz share a final hug before getting off the stage and back to their seats.

A music venue that resembled something from Baz's imagination was created from scratch for the after party. Beneath silver, shimmering draping curtains, and gigantic disco balls suspended from the ceiling, waiters served Champagne and Campari cocktails to the guests as the stars of the movie made their way from the Graceland.

Alina and Austin made their way in, hand in hand, as the flashing lights blinded them and everyone stood still to cheer as Austin walked through the crowd.

Music from the DJ trembled through the floors as waves of celebrities made their way through. They took photos and filmed themselves with other celebrities, letting their followers know that they were invited to the after party for the new biopic.

"I'm so proud of you." Alina whisper into Austin's ear before holding him close.

"I couldn't have done it with out you." Austin tucks Alina's hair behind her ear as his eyes begin to water as he stares into Alina's dark brown eyes.


Elvis was a hit at the box office which can be partially attributed to Austin's performance. To celebrate, Austin and Alina planned a dinner and house party with all of their close family and friends.

Alina spent hours making sure everything in the house looked perfect and planning the menu with the chef they hired for the night. Alina was starting to get accustomed to the wealth that Austin shared with her, as well as the publicity that came with it. Even though she was now able to appreciate the finer things in life, she still loves a good bargain, which is something Austin loves about her.

Austin and Alina were accompanied by Austin's family, including Maya and her new boyfriend, Robin, Eve and her partner, Ashley and her husband, and Austin arraigned for Alina's parents to be apart of the special night.

They sat around the table and ate delicious spicy Linguine Arrabbiata paired with the perfect Verdicchio. They shared drinks and laughs as they shared memories of each other and told stories around.

Austin excused himself from the table and made his way to their master bedroom, Pixie trotted behind him like she always does.

Austin stood in front of the vanity mirror and admired all of Alina's perfumes and cosmetics. The smell of her reminded him of home, where he desired to be every waking hour.

He made his way into their shared closet and ran his fingers through her clothes. The smell of her intoxicating perfume lingers on the dress she has hung up for dry cleaning.

His attention is turned when he realizes why he came to the bedroom in the first place. He reaches to the top shelf and pulls out an old shoe box hiding behind his clutter.

Austin pulls out a small red velvet box and fiddles with it before stuffing it into his pocket and making his way back to his loved ones.



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THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the love you each have given me towards this story! I hope you enjoyed and will continue reading my work. That being said!!!! Drumroll PLEASE!!!



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