chapter fifteen | wedding date

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Like I've said before, I love weddings. I've been a bridesmaid three times now. I'm basically an expert. Well, technically I am, it's my job.

The clock reads 3:15 p.m.

"We need to get going, the ceremony is at 4:30, and I want good seats."

"Is there really a bad seat?"

"You got me there." I reply putting on my earrings as Austin adjusts the straps on my high heels.

"You look beautiful by the way." Austin says tapping my leg indicating that he's finished adjusting my heel.

"Thank you honey, you look like a babe." I smile and plant a kiss on his cheek.

Austin's driver picks us up ten minutes later and begins our short trip to the venue. The gates open to a beautiful estate sitting on a hill. Everything I had spent almost two years planning is all right in front of me.

I wrap my arm around Austin's as we walk into the venue, my heels clicking on the cobblestone underneath us. We are seated with a pretty clear view of the alter.

Soft jazz is playing in the background mixed with the mumbling of the three hundred guests. The weather is beautiful, a nice breeze with just the right amount of sun.

Before we know it, the piano begins to play to the tune of Flightless Bird, American Mouth and the bride is walking down the isle. We all stand from our seats as she walks down the isle taking in how stunning she looks. Her dress hugs her body perfectly and her veil touches the ground.

From across the isle, her soon to be husband sheds a couple tears waiting for her. We are instructed to sit as the ceremony begins.

They chose to go with a more spiritual wedding ceremony, incorporating a knotting of a rope ceremony. I can't help but listen and picture myself in her shoes. Standing there hand in hand with husband and all of our friends and family to enjoy it with us.

I imagine myself hand and hand with Austin at the alter. I can't help but get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about him standing at the other end of the isle.

"I now pronounce you, Mr. and Mrs. Solomita! You may now kiss your bride."

The crowd cheers as the newlyweds share a kiss. They walk back down the isle together hand and hand before we are instructed that cocktail hour is now beginning.

"Can I please have one vodka cranberry with a cut lime and Courvoisier neat?" Austin asks the bartender before looking over to me. "You know I've never been to a wedding before?"

"Are you serious?" I laugh. "I love weddings."

"It's very intimate for sure. I never really saw myself getting married." He says taking a sip of his cognac.

I really don't know how I should take that. It hurts me a little knowing how much I've dreamed of getting married. But maybe I'm overthinking it. He could change his mind.

"Well it isn't for everybody that's for sure."

I'm interrupted by a small delicate hand gently grabbing my arm from behind.

"Alina, Hi!"

I turn around to see my boss standing there.

"Shannon! Hi! Everything looks so beautiful." I give her a tight hug while greeting her.

"I couldn't have done it without you." She smiles.

"This is Austin, Austin this is Shannon, my boss."

Austin reaches a hand out to shake hers. "It's very nice to meet you."

"Likewise. How do you know each other?" She asks, shaking his hand.

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