chapter nineteen | christmas

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Christmas was my favorite time of the year. I usually fly to Florida to see my family but we couldn't this year since Austin has such a busy schedule.

I don't mind spending time with Austin and Pixie, my new family.

We left early this cold morning to pick out a Christmas tree for our living room, I turn up the music as soon as I hear my favorite Christmas song come on.

Austin and I started singing at the same time.

"Happy Christmas, I wrapped it up
and sent it with a note saying
"I love you", I meant it
Now I know what a fool I've been
But if you kissed me now,
I know you'd fool me again."

"It sucks we have to get a smaller tree to fit in our living room, when I was a kid we used to have such a big tree." Austin said as we trailed through the field of trees.

"Well one day maybe we can get a place that's a little bigger."

"Maybe one day." He says before stopping at a 4 foot tree.

After inspecting the tree, Austin loaded it into our wagon before we trail back to pay for it.

"I'm excited for our first Christmas together." I smile up at him.

"Me too baby." He kisses my head, pulling the wagon behind him.

Since I've been working and saving money I decided to get us a week vacation as his gift. I planned a trip to Mykonos, Greece at a boutique hotel with a direct view of the sea.

We bought hot chocolate from the stand where we paid for our tree and sat on two tree logs. Two children chasing each other ran past us laughing.

"Do you ever want children?" Austin turns to ask me after watching the kids run into the trail.

"I think so. Only if I am capable of giving them a good life." I say sipping the steaming hot chocolate.

"I used to not want any. I always asked, why would I bring a human into this shit world? It's pretty overpopulated anyways." Austin replies.

"What made you change your mind?"

"I think I started worrying about going through life without experiencing something so fundamental to so many people's existence, especially when you meet someone you love and you want to create life with them. Then I realized how much I loved my family and how happy my mom would have been as a grandmother."

"I'm sure she would've loved a couple of mini versions of you running around."

"You'd be a great mother. Something about you is so calm and nurturing."

Butterflies from my stomach reach my throat.

"That's so sweet."

We went home and decorated our tree with colorful lights, both of our childhood ornaments we made in school, and an ornament we picked up for Pixie with her paw print.


DECEMBER 24, 2021

I woke up this morning to the smell of pine and coffee. My feet touching the cold tiled floor as I step down from the bed before making my way out to the kitchen.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Austin says after hearing me open the bedroom door.

I'm greeted by Pixie jumping up at me wagging her tail.

"Good morning pretty girl." I say bending down to pick pixie up and bring her to the kitchen with me.

"Good morning, and merry Christmas Eve." I chuckle before puckering my lips up at Austin.

 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | AUSTIN BUTLERWhere stories live. Discover now