chapter twentyone | mykonos

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The light from the sun rising filled the room through the sheer white curtains that separated the room and the terrace.

"Good morning, Mrs. Butler." Austin's deep morning voice wakes me up.

"Woah. You're not allowed to call me that without one of these." I wiggle my ring finger in his face.

"You know it's not gonna be that believable if the hotel staff sees us without rings on."

He's making a good point, I also did book us a honeymoon dinner on the beach and specifically got the "just married" deal.

"Looks like we're gonna have to go get some." I say getting out of the bed and head towards the bathroom to get ready.

"I did see that we're walking distance to the town in that brochure we got." Austin replies.

We head down the elevator hiding our hands in our pockets and head out to the brick trail that leads to the town. We stop at a little jewelry cart ran by an old woman with lots of tacky souvenirs as well.

We both agree to pick the other persons ring. I picked out an ugly chunky fake gold ring with a giant blue stone in the middle. We both pay for our rings before handing each other the bag we bought.

I pull the ring out of the brown bag and it's a hideous chunky silver ring that has the word "hitched" engraved.

"This is the ugliest thing I've ever seen." I laugh as he pull his ring out of the bag.

"Ditto." He replies examining the ring i got him.

We stroll through the town and find a bakery for breakfast. We sit down outside to enjoy our Bougatsas and coffee.

"I can't believe you picked this out." I say while I stare at the ring on my finger.

"I think it compliments your skin beautifully." Austin replies before sipping his coffee.

We head back to the hotel for our 1:00 slot for the "newlyweds" couples massage. The masseuse hands us two robes and instructs us to remove all clothing and lay down on the massage tables.

Once she leaves the room I turn around and smirk at Austin.

"What are you doing?" He laughs.

I slowly start to drop my clothes down seductively, but I can't help but laugh at how Austin's facial expression completely changes.

"You are the sexiest woman to walk this planet." He says biting his lip and then squeezing his chin with his thumb and index finger. He begins to chuckle once he realizes that I'm just teasing him.

We spend the hour being stretched, pulled, rubbed, and burned with hot stones by two women who have the hands of two lumberjacks.

We brought our swimsuits to change into so we could head straight to the beach. We are greeted by the same waiter at our cabana who had already made us two martinis once we arrived.

We both lay out in the suns warm rays and enjoy the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks. I stand up and a hold a hand out for Austin to grab, he holds his hand up to look up at me and shield his eyes from the sun.

"What's this?"

"To go swimming. Or do you not want to get your hair wet?"

He shakes his head and grabs my hand to lift himself off the ground. I pull him towards the crystal clear water as we make our way in until the water reaches my waist.

"I'd like to go a bit deeper." Austin says, half of his body still exposed to the breeze.

He pulls me in more before I can no longer reach the floor comfortably. I wrap my legs around Austin and hold onto him. He holds me close as he grips my thighs.

 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | AUSTIN BUTLERWhere stories live. Discover now