chapter seven | gone

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I called Alina trying to explain what was going on, but she sent me straight to voicemail twice.

This has got to be the worse time to have to deal with this. I have one of the most important roles of my career beginning in two days and I'm worried about a crush.

Monday morning Aunt Maya offered to drive me to the airport.

"How's Alina?" Was one of the first things that came out of her mouth.

"Good to see you too, Aunt Maya."

She laughs and kisses my cheek and pinches the other.

"She's actually mad at me. For something stupid."

"You know, that girl is good for you. She's sweet. Your mother would have loved her."

"Aunt Maya, do we have to do this right now? I'm stressed enough as it is."

"Actually Austin, we do. I've seen you unhappy for far too long, Bunny."

Oh great. Bunny is what she calls me right before she starts getting dramatic.

"You know Bunny, back in my day, when I met your uncle, he was head over heals for me. He would show up to your grandmas house and throw rocks at my window until I let him in. Even if I was mad at him he was always there trying to win me over."

"So you're saying I should cancel my flight and go throw rocks at Alina's window?"

"No that's not what I'm saying smart ass. I'm saying you need to keep trying, don't let her get away."

After the rest of the long car ride that entailed of long lectures, we finally make it to the LAX. I say my goodbyes to Aunt Maya.

"Thank you for the ride, and thank you for the pep talk."

"No problem. Don't forget to call me, kid."

My whole flight consisted of flashbacks of Alina, from the moment I saw her sitting at the book store reading, to kissing her for the first time, watching her dance, watching her laugh, making love to her, and watching her storm out of the front door angry.


Austin has been gone for 2 months now. I've tried my best to get over what happened. I'm fine. I don't care. I'll move on eventually like I always do and It's going to be easier since he's gone.

I've also found my spare time time to work on myself. I haven't completely figured out what I wanted to do with my life, so this might be the perfect time for a spiritual awakening.

After several attempts at trying new hobbies like, painting, gardening, baking, origami, and even pottery, I was starting to give up.

I was on my way to work this morning and something just felt a bit off. Maybe it was the fact that I had at least 20 new cases to open, or the fact that I'm 10 minutes late.

I take a deep breath and ask the universe for patience before walking in to the office. As soon as I take a seat, I received a call from my boss.

"Alina, can I see you in my office?"

"Yes Mr. Lucas, I am on my way."

A knot forms in my stomach and my heart begins to race before I open the door to Mr. Lucas' office. "Good morning, Mr. Lucas. You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, have a seat Alina."

I sit down across from him at his desk and cross one leg over the other.

"We need to talk about your performance. You have been lacking for the last couple of months. I have given you too many warnings on your tardiness, and your work is showing this lack of productivity."

 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | AUSTIN BUTLERWhere stories live. Discover now