chapter eighteen | the interview (NSFW)

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Austin invited me to my first ever red carpet event tonight. I had spent the entire day having a nervous breakdown while also getting into glam.

The hairstylist Eve hired, did old Hollywood waves that laid perfectly.

Eve dressed Austin and I in Saint Laurent. "My work here is done." She says while packing her suitcases full of clothes.

"You are my guardian angel." I say looking at myself in the mirror, then at her.

Austin comes through the bedroom door with his hands cupping his eyes.

"Are you decent?"

"Very funny." I roll my eyes once he puts his hands down to look at me.

"As much as I'd love to undress you right now, we have gotta get going."

"Still here." Eve says making a fake cough.

We make our way to the car waiting for us at the front of the condominiums.

After a long drive we finally arrive to the Peoples Choice Awards. Immediately as the car door is opened for us we are blinded by the hundreds of white flashes.

Austin stretches a hand for me to grab as I step out of the car. We are guided through the crowd by a couple of security guards until we make it to the entrance to the award ceremony.

The red carpet is rolled out in front of a backdrop with hundreds of paparazzi standing in front of us.

"Don't be nervous, okay? You're the most beautiful girl here." He whispers into my ear.

We both pose in front of the cameras, doing different poses and staring at different directions before moving along.

"Austin! Over here!" A woman with a microphone signals Austin for an interview.

I stand off to the side as the interviewer asks Austin about his upcoming film. She asks about becoming Elvis, working with Baz, and of course she asks about the Olivia dating rumors. Austin denies the rumors with nice answers about how she's a wonderful actress and a great friend.

I wish I could roll my eyes right now.

"So your love life has been a big topic recently. Was it hard balancing a regular life while trying to portray Elvis?"

Austin smiles and signals for me to come to him. He wraps an arm around me and leans into the microphone.

"Actually, I wouldn't have made through it if I didn't have Alina. Shes been my number one supporter since the beginning. She is my rock and I love her to my core."

I can't help but blush as the camera faces towards us as he kisses my head.

"That's so sweet. Thank you Austin. Enjoy your night you two." She waved goodbye before turning back to the camera.

Austin grabs my hand to lead me through the crowd of people.

"You do know your way with words." I chuckle into his ear, trying to talk over the sound of thousands of people talking simultaneously.

He flashes me a charming smile before opening the doors to the venue.

I realized that the word starstruck was an understatement. I'm currently in a room filled with celebrities I grew up looking up to or had posters in my room of.

They're all either really high off drugs, drunk, or just weirder than I thought they would be in real life.

Thankfully we sat at a smaller table by ourselves.

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