chapter eleven | jealousy

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Austin had made arrangements to move my furniture to a storage unit and my personal belongings to his condo.

This feels like some type of commitment I'm rushing into, but I'm technically already living with him in Australia, so I guess I just don't give a fuck anymore.

My mom was disappointed I haven't called her in two weeks. She was more disappointed at the fact that I lost my job and now have a "sugar daddy" in Australia. Her words, not mine.

She told me the word had gotten around my family, since one of my cousins pulled up the article and just had to open her mouth at the last family dinner.

I promised her I would be safe, I would call her if I needed anything, and that I would keep applying to jobs because she raised "an independent woman."

Austin had invited me to the set of Elvis today. I've been a bit skeptical because I don't believe I belong. I don't want weird looks and I especially don't want to meet any celebrities, but I promised Austin I would be there no matter what.

Austin had left earlier this morning at five a.m. He told me that my name would be on the list if I decided I did want to come.

I shuffle out of bed at eight in the morning. I throw on my high waisted corduroy tan shorts, with a white ribbed halter top tucked in. I let my hair fall naturally wavy and apply my usual makeup. I finish adding my gold jewelry before heading out.

I decide to surprise Austin, so I head to our now favorite coffee shop.

"One iced latte and one iced matcha tea latte please."

I feel terrible paying for everything with Austin's money, but no matter how much I search, and no matter how much I beg for my cards back, Austin refuses. He says that I am his guest and that he is going to take care of me.

Maybe this is his fetish, but hey- I don't judge.

After getting our drinks I make my way to the set. It's a very scenic drive that eased my nerves a bit.

"Your name and ID ma'am?" The security guard asked as I rolled down my window.

I dig through my purse to find my ID that I never put back into my wallet.

"Alina Florence."

He stares at my ID, looks me up and down, and begins typing on his computer.

"Have a nice day, Ms. Florence."

"You too." I smile as the gate opens in front of me.

I pass multiple buildings with different lot numbers and I have no idea where Austin could be.

I finally make my way to what looked like many little trailers and parked where I saw other cars.

After roaming around looking like a lost puppy, I hear a deep voice echo behind me.

"Ya lost?"

I turn around to see Austin in a black suit and red tie, his hair greased with a chunk hanging in front of his forehead.

"I was." I smile handing him his tea.

He thanks me before pulling me into a kiss then taking a sip.

"You're just in time."

We take another car to an empty baseball stadium. Austin is nervous the whole drive.

We arrive and everyone takes their places as I stand off to the side.

"I'm Evelyn." A voice from behind me says softly.

 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | AUSTIN BUTLERWhere stories live. Discover now