Sleepy ~ Fluff

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(Giyuu POV)
    I dragged myself into the serpent estate trying to keep my eyes open. I had just finished my 4th mission of the week and I was beyond tired all I wanted to do at his point was sleep nothing could keep me awake. When I saw the bedroom door in the serpent estate I screamed with joy of course I did it in my head so nobody else could hear me but me. I opened the door and plopped down on the bed. I didnt notice Obanai at first so when I fell he let out a little scream. "Im so sorry Obanai!!! Im just so tired and I didn't see you" I said as I apologized over and over again. He nodded and said it was ok. I slid off my uniform and haori. He had gave me his biggest yutaka so I slipped it on shortly after. I will admit it is a little small on me due to Obanais height. but I didn't mind. I layed down ready to fall asleep when I felt Obanai taking out my ponytail. I had completely forgot about it. When he took out my ponytail he layed on top of me and Kaburamaru slithered onto our hands.

(3rd Person POV)

   The serpent and water hashira were soundly asleep together when there was a sudden knock at the serpent estate which awoken the serpent hashira from slumber. He groaned and forced himself up. He walked to the door and opened it. It was his best friend Sanemi Shinazugawa. Also known as the wind hashira. "Oh hello shinazugawa what brings you here?" The serpent hashira said trying to sound like hes been awake for a while. The wind hashira had asked to hang out Obanai politely declined and made up and excuse. He had said he had to clean Kaburamarus cage and it could take a while but in reality his cage was spotless he just wanted to go lay back down with the water hashira Giyuu Tomioka.

(Obanai POV)

    I finally convinced Shinazugawa that I was very busy today and couldn't hang out with him. He finally believed me when he left I closed the door and ran back to Giyuu. I took off my bandages once again and layed down on top of Giyuu. I got comfortable and eventually fell back asleep safe and sound with the love of my life.

447 words wow 2 new oneshots in a day. ill prolly do more later when i get out of school. I wont do anymore now even tho i have motivation i have 2 draft storys. one is hisoillu oneshots for anyone who likes hxh👀

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