Hogwarts ~ fluff

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(harry potter AU)


(Giyuu POV)
        My eyes widened as I heard the sorting hat yell out Syltherin. Tears filled my eyes what was I gonna do? I was in Ravenclaw and the love of my life got sorted into Slytherin. I saw Obanai walk to the other side of The Great Hall. I turned around and looked down at my empty plate not caring about the other people getting sorted.

~present time~

(Obanai POV)
        Wow its already time for 3rd year! But im quite sad because I wont be able to sleep with Giyuu anymore. You see, hes in ravenclaw and im a slytherin and people aren't really found of us slytherin. Everyone always thinks were up to something and with he-who-shall-not-be-named aka muzan when we didnt even do anything wrong but whatever. When Giyuu and I finished packing our trunks I gave him one last big kiss. I had a feeling this was the last kiss I was gonna give him for a while. We walked down the stairs and to the train station I looked around first to make sure no muggles were watching and walked into platform 9¾. Giyuu followed shortly behind me and we quickly found our seats. I put a lock on our cart and put a blackout spell on the window as well as a silencing charm to have some alone time with Giyuu. I layed down in his lap as he played with my hair as kissed me passionately on the lips which slowly tuned into a makeout session. "I love you so much" Giyuu said gasping for breaths "I love you too.." I replied back also gasping for air. I dug my head into Giyuus neck and closed my eyes dreading his new hogwarts year.

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