Karen ~ fluff (modern AU)

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(Giyuu POV)
       Obanai and I were in the store getting some things for us. We had just recently moved in togther so we needed some decor. We already have food, beds, tvs, kitchen table, and a couch. Since Obanai wanted to have a library in one of the spare bedrooms I just couldn't say no so we went to the book store. He immediately picked out all of the harry potter books and placed them into the cart. He also picked up some snake books and My Hero Academia manga.

(Obanai POV)
        About 30 minutes into shopping I started to get really tired so I asked Giyuu if I could lay on him. He said yes of course and I leaned onto him. He held his hand up to support me as we continued to shop. 

(Giyuu POV)
        We decided to go into the food section just to stock up on some things. We were browsing around the chips when I heard slight snores I looked behind me and saw that Obanai was sleeping. He was kinda slipping so I picked him up and placed him in the cart. I slipped off my hoodie and placed it under his head like a pillow so he doesnt hurt his head. I continued to shop picking  up things we need and some things I wanted. I was looking at the meats when his lady with a pixie cut came up to me and started criticizing me and Obanai.

(Karen POV)
         Who do these people think they are their hair is way to long! And why is a grown man sleeping in the cart! And why is he wearing a wearing bandages where is his mask!
"ma'am can you please not get so close to my boyfriend?" The oddly dressed man said. Did he say boyfriend? BEING GAY IS A SIN! WHERE IS HIS MANAGER?

(Giyuu POV)
        "Ma'am please——your making me really uncomfortable. Please dont touch me or my boyfriend." I said backing up and pulling the cart towards me. I just decided to leave and continue shopping because that lady is crazy. she was criticizing everything and kept telling Obanai to remove his bandages while he was sleeping. She got mad at him for ignoring him when he was sound asleep. I saw that the crazy lady started following us so I starting running. I ran all the way to the mens restroom to catch my breath. Since I couldn't bring the cart inside the restroom I had to pick Obanai up and bring him into the restroom. I woke him up and he looked at me with a confused look. "dont worry my love. This lady was criticizing us and starting following me so I came in here to catch my breath. I wasnt going to leave you out there because I dont know what she would have done. She kept talking about removing your bandages and I didnt want to risk her doing that if you were alone." I said pulling Obanai into a hug. He hugged back and we just stayed there for a while. I hope I never see that lady again. How dare she criticize my darling Obanai.

532 words

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