your mine ~ fluff

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(Obanai POV)

      I was laying in Giyuus bed waiting for him to get out of the bathroom when his crow came in with a letter. His crow placed the letter on his bed and left. I looked around and picked up the letter I know i shouldn't do this but....I opened the letter and read what it said. 'Sincerely, your secret admirer' huh? secret admirer? I crumbled up the letter and threw it in the trash. I saw the bathroom door open and Giyuu walked out I stood up and ran over to him and hugged him. "your mine." I said hugging him tighter. "yes yes i am..." He said hugging back I was still mad that he got a letter from someone. I stopped hugging him and pushed him down on the bed "O-obanai what are you doing" Giyuu said looking at me "shut up." I said as I layed down on him. "just shut up..." I said again closing my eyes snuggling into Giyuus chest.

~Time Skip~

(Giyuu POV)

     I've been in the same position for 3 hours and still no sign of Obanai waking up yet. Why is he so tired? We've been in his estate all day and ue got a good nights sleep last night. He could have just wanted to take a nap but he rarely naps I dont understand. I put my hand on Obanais back and adjusted him so I was a little more comfortable. I played with hair and fell asleep shortly after.

254 words sorry for delay in uploads

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