Stargazing ~ fluff

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(Giyuu POV)
     "Its beautiful isnt it love?" I asked as I watched the the stars with my lover. "very.." He said as he layed down in my lap 'not as beautiful as you though..' I thought as i looked back up at the stars. I played with Obanais hair admiring his beauty more than looking at the stars. I kissed the top of his head and took his hand and kissed it passionately. "i love you so much.." I said to Obanai kissing his hand again "i love you too..." Obanai replied back squeezing my hand a little. I had completely forgot it was night time until I heard rustling in the bushes. I put Obanai behind me and I pulled out my katana just incase it was a demon. "show yourself!" I yelled at the bush. I saw a leg come out of the bush and pushed Obanai closer behind me. When they were fully out of the bush I let out a sigh of relief. "beautiful night isnt it Giyuu?" The person said as they sat next to me. "indeed it is." I put down my katana and Obanai got out from behind me and greeted the guest. "hello mr. kibutsuji" He said to my father as he waved to him. "hello Obanai is it? Giyuus told me so much about you." My father said as I turned a bright red "FATHERRR HE WASNT SUPPOSED TO KNOWWWW" I yelled. Obanai also turned a bright pink and he turned away in embarrassment.

(Obanai POV)
     Seeing the demon king every week does still kinda get me but ive been getting use to it. At first I was shocked seeing the demon king out in the open and next to two demon slayers i thought he would devor us until I saw Giyuu hug him and call him father. I remember Giyuu telling me that his actual eye color was red but I didnt think anything of it. I looked back up at the stars hearing Giyuu and Muzan talking beside me catching up with each other.

"yeah shinbou still makes fun of me.." I heard Giyuu say which make me frown

I completely forgot that me and Sanemi use to bully him as well I still feel really bad about and apologize whenever he mentions something about shinbou bullying him which isnt very often since he doesnt like to talk about it. I saw Muzans pupils starting to change back into his normal ones and realized that he was most liking in disguise. I know that he can change into a human like appearance as well as a child & female one. He came over once as a child and shinbou came into his estate and said that a child was looking for him. When it happened I was hiding behind the couch confused. When the child came in he called him father then realized that it was Muzan. Same with his female form. I will admit his female form is really pretty but not as pretty as giyuu.

508 words sorry for not uploading for so long

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