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(Obanai POV)
I can't believe it...Giyuu—Tomioka just told me he wanted to take a break...he wont even let me call him Giyuu anymore...What did I do wrong? I don't understand...I sat down in my estate thinking about multiple things I could have done wrong. Kaburamaru slithered onto my arm trying his best to comfort me. I sighed and layed down on my bed. I ripped off my mask finally feeling air flow into the big scar on my mouth. I felt my eyes start to water and the tears finally fell. I cried so loud and long I felt like everyone could hear me. But no. It was silent. The only thing I could hear was my cries.

(Giyuu POV)
I sighed. I don't even know why I broke up with Obanai in the first place. He was the only person that make me feel comfortable. He was the only one who I could actually talk to. I guess the reason I broke up with him is because Kocho kept pressuring me to. She kept saying how nobody likes me and that I have no friends. She told me that Obanai was only dating me because he felt bad. She said he was still inlove with Kanroji. I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and walked out of my estate and all the way to Obanais. I pounded on the door hoping he would answer.

(Obanai POV)
The sudden noise make me shoot up. I wiped my tears and walked over to the door and opened it. My eyes widened. "G-giyuu..." I stuttered as I looked at Giyuu. He immediately hugged me and apologized over and over again. I hugged him tightly and cried. I was finally back in Giyuus warm embrace.

299 words short chapter leave requests

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