Sleepover ~ Fluff (ft. hashiras)

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(this story takes place after a oneshot i discarded called gross. basically what happened in it was shinobu kissed giyuu.)

(3rd Person POV)
    The love piller Mitsuri Kanroji had invited all the hashiras over to her estate for a sleepover. However, Giyuu didn't really want to go due to the insect pillar Shinobu Kocho. But since the serpent hashira Obanai Iguro was going the water user would go only to be with his lover.

(Giyuu POV)
   Obanai was cuddled up next to me when my crow came and said that the sleepover Kanroji was holding had started. I mentally face palmed and groaned. I wasnt about to wake up Obanai for a stupid sleepover. Its not that I dont like the hashiras there fine I just wanna spend time with my boyfriend since I have a mission tomorrow. I had told my crow to go tell Kanroji I might be late but since my crow is old it might take a little longer to reach her. It would be better not to go all together since Obanai wants to keep our relationship private due to other issues. The problem with that is if we go we wouldn't be able to cuddle you see, ive learned that Obanai is very soft when you break through his cold side. If I don't hug him at night for at least a hour he'll cling onto me the whole day not that im complaining about that but I have a mission tomorrow and I dont want to risk the love of my life dying I really need him.

(Obanai POV)
  I woke up and saw that I was laying on top of Giyuu. I blushed a little then remembered the hashira sleepover we had to attend to. I really didnt want to go to that but I didn't want to make it anything suspicious. All the hashiras except Kanroji, Shinazugawa, and Giyuu of course know that im not inlove with Kanroji and am dating Giyuu. I had told Kanroji because I felt uncomfortable faking my blush and acting flustered around her. I told Shinazugawa because 1. hes my bestfriend and 2. I knew he would accept me because hes dating Himejima. I don't know what to do about the sleepover though. I cant show up with Giyuu because that would be suspicious. Ill just say I was feeding Kaburamaru and ran into Giy—Tomioka. I cant say his name that will give it away. I haven't used Tomioka for 2 and a half years. That means Giyuu I mean Tomioka will have to use Iguro damn it he hates using my last name when associating with me. He says since we are dating we should use first name and I agree. I tried to get off Gi–Tomioka but he kept me in a tight hold to stay. He started playing with my hair and it made me feel comfy and really safe. Before I knew it my eyes started to get heavy. "Giyuu..." I said before my eyes closed I was out cold.

(Giyuu POV)
  I had gotten Obanai to fall back asleep by playing with his hair. 30 more minutes cant hurt right?

~Time Skip Brought By Muichiro~

(Giyuu POV)
   I don't remember falling asleep— whatever I need to pack I sighed and got up. I somehow completely forgot that Obanai was ontop of me and when I stood up he fell face first on the floor. He screamed in pain and he held his face I had never been more scared in my life. I quickly bent down and apologized over and over again my poor baby he looked like he wanted to cry. I pulled Obanai in my lap and apologized once again he said it was fine and I just pulled him into a tight hug I felt terrible. He eventually calmed down and fell back asleep I was kinda worried how much he was sleeping but I didnt think anything of it. I got up from the floor and packed a bag for me and Oba I also packed some food for Kaburamaru because I know Obanai will refuse to leave if he doesnt have Kaburamaru.

(3rd Person POV)
   Giyuu has packed everything he needed for Obanai and himself all he needed to do was wake up the serpent hashira.

(Obanai POV)
   I was woken up by my boyfriend Giyuu when I was having a beautiful dream about him. I sat up and went to grab Kaburamaru but he slithered over to Giyuu I wasnt about to show up to the sleepover with Kaburamaru on Giyuus head but he wouldn't move I didn't know what to do everyone knows Kaburamaru hates everyone but me and Shinazugawa nobody knows he likes Giyuu.

~Time Skip Brought To You By Oyakata-sama~

(Giyuu POV)
Obanai and I were infront of the love estate regretting everything. I had went in first so it wouldn't look suspicious but that was a big mistake as everyone was questioning me why Kaburamaru was on my head. I looked around and started panicking Obanai wasnt next to me like he normally was to keep me calm in situations like this. I didnt know what to say I couldn't breathe, talk or move I just stood still in front of the door until Obanai came in. "Oh there you are Kaburamaru!" he said as he grabbed Kaburamaru from my head. "you good Tomioka?" he asked. Wait. Did he just say Tomioka? my eyes widened and I turned to look at him. He gave me a cold look rolled his eyes and walked off. What nightmare was I in.

~Time Skip Brought To You By Muzan-sama~

(3rd Person POV)
   Giyuu had finally got himself to calm down. He sat down and looked over at Obanai. He was talking to the wind pillar Sanemi Shinazugawa who was sitting in the stone pillar Gyomei Himejima's lap & holding his hand. The water pillar took another deep breath to loosen up. He was told to go get snacks from the kitchen because they were out and Obanai assisted him. When they got into the kitchen the serpent pillar jumped up and kissed his lover on the lips. It was a quick and short kiss but it meant a lot.

~Another Time Skip Im Sorry~

(Obanai POV)
   It was finally night which meant I could lay with Giyuu when the others were sleeping and just wake up earlier though Himejima does wake up quite early but stays put for Shinazugawa. I'll never understand those two. I pulled myself out of my thoughts and changed into my yukata Giyuu did as well. I gave Kaburamaru a quick pet and a small snack and went to lay down until I saw Kocho with Giyuu. She was still awake of course she was waitng for everyone to go to sleep so she could go next to Giyuu how could I have been so blind. Angry filled me as I saw Kocho talking to my boyfriend. He looked so uncomfortable I was about to loose it. They both went to sit down Giyuu had told her to leave him alone and she finally did. When she fell asleep I went up to Giyuu who was waiting for me. I layed on his chest and held his hand. The love of my life.

1227 words

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