Comfort ~ fluff

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requested by OtiliaDuck

(Obanai POV)
     I walked out of the love estate with tears in my eyes. Mitsuri broke up with me because we got into a fight. I really loved her..did I? Whatever I was walking to my estate when I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Giyuu Tomioka. "Are you okay?" He asked in a calm collected voice. I broke down right there in Tomiokas arm. I couldn't hold anything back anymore. "h-hey its gonna be ok!" I heard Tomioka say before I fell asleep.

~Time Skip~

(Obanai POV)
     I woke up in the water estate I believe. I looked around and felt arms around me. I looked behind me and saw Tomioka peacefully sleeping. I blushed a little wait what? I blushed? No no I didn't. He looks so...I knew I wasnt fully inlove with this who I was inlove with..? Thoughts filled my mind I was so confused I needed to see if I was really inlove with Tomioka but how? I took a deep breath 'okay. if I blush at this im inlove with him' Calm down Obanai just breathe. I slowly lifted up Tomiokas shirt to test if I was inlove with him. I lifted it up about half way before I couldn't anymore I looked away from Tomioka I was a blushing mess. My face looked like a tomato. Kaburamaru let out a hiss like he knew something. I looked back over at Tomioka and saw he was awake. "I-I-I'm sorry I-I didnt meant t-" Before I could finish Tomioka took off my bandages and kissed me. My eyes widened but I kissed back. The kiss lasted for a few minutes before I pulled back and covered my mouth with my hand. "It's ok. I dont judge." Tomioka said referring to my hand.
I hesitantly removed my hand from my face and looked Tomioka dead i  the eyes. "you're still beautiful." He says which makes my eyes glisten. I think I found my soulmate.

341 words

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