Lemonade Stand

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Modern AU

(Obanai POV)
      Giyuu and I were talking a walk outside when we came up to a lemonade stand ran by a young girl. I smiled a bit and looked at Giyuu. "May we get some lemonade my dear?" I asked politely. Giyuu looked at me and nodded and we walked up to the stand. "Hello! Would you like to buy some ice cold lemonade!!?" The young girl asked smiling her two front teeth missing. Giyuu and I smiled at the girl. "Yes we would. 2 cups please" I said as I pulled my wallet out of my pocket. The young girl nodded and grabbed to cups as she filled them both with ice and then the lemonade. "That will he 1 dollar!!" The young girl said as she handed the 2 cups to Giyuu. I smiled and handed a dollar to a girl and Giyuu as I walked away. I grabbed a cup from him and took a sip. It was delicious. I grabbed Giyuus hand and we continued our stroll enjoying cold lemonade.

~The End~ short

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