So This Is Love? ~ fluff

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Love -
an intense feeling of deep affection.

'When I found you my heart opened an intense feeling of love for you. You made me feel things again, thank you.'
-Your Fellow Hashira

(tw: mentions of su1cid3)

(Giyuu POV)
I was happy again. I had finally found my one true happiness. Iguro Obanai. He made my eyes glisten like the sun reflecting off the waves at the beach. My cheeks flushed a soft pink and my heart skipped a beat. My heart filled with love as he walked by. "Hey Kanroji wait up!" My heart broke. Hes inlove with Kanroji. I looked down at the floor and walked towards the garden to get my mind off things. 'RIPPP-' Was the sound my letter for Obanai made at I tore it to shreds. 'He'll never love me whats the point.' I thought as I felt something fall onto my arm. 'a tear?' I thought. Was I crying? I brought my hand up to my eye and felt a stream of tears falling down. I wiped them away and sat down on the rocks in the garden. I admired the beautiful color of flowers and the smell of spring. This was the spot me and Obanai had our first date. If only he could remember..Thinking about makes me hate demons even more. He lost his memories of the past year because of an injury a demon caused. Now he doesnt even remember that we're dating and fell inlove with Kanroji. I miss him. I miss us. I miss hugging him at night and making dinner for him. I miss comforting him when he had nightmares. I miss when he loved me. I felt tears coming down my face once again I put my head down further hoping to erase myself from this world. My world is nothing without Obanai. I walked to my estate ready to end it all when I realized something. Maybe Obanai will eventually fall for me if he did before.. I slightly smiled and entered my estate. I went into my bedroom and plopped down on my bed fantasizing about Obanai.

353 words

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