What A Day

408 12 15

hallo so since dms are not available anymore i wont be able to do the requests, i didnt write them down so im unable to do them, much apologies.

       (Giyuu POV)
Today was the day Obanai and I were going on our honeymoon. Ever since Muzan was defeated (Obanai Survived Owowowow) Obanai and I have had a bunch more time to ourselves so we decided it was finally time for a proper honeymoon. Obanai wanted to go to the states so we both agreed to go to Hawaii. Its supposed to have nice warness and have nice oceans! (Someone tell me if thats true I live in Europe) I grabbed my suitcase out if the closet and started packing some summer time clothes and multiple swimsuits. I also secretly packed some lingerie for Obanai incase he wanted to get frisky. Obanai went to shower so I didn't really have to be secret about it.

      (Obanai POV)
I wanted to take a long bath but for some reason Giyuu said take a shower instead? (Stanley Uris Reference) After my long shower I did some skincare and brushed my hair I then but mine and Giyuus bathroom necessitates in a travel bag so that we wouldn't forget them. I put a robe on and left to see what Giyuu is doing.

(Giyuu POV)
I was laying on the bed when all of a sudden I heard the bathroom door open. I looked and smiled when I saw Obanai. "Hi love, come join me" Obanai sighed and said "No get up!!! Our plane leaves in 30 minutes!!!" My eyes widened and I quickly got up and zipped our suitcases. Obanai quickly got dressed and put some stuff in the suitcase and we ran out to the door to the car. I practically sped to the airport. When we got there I grabbed Obanais arm and ran to their flight.

     (Obanai POV)
When the plane landed both Giyuu's and I's eyes widened seeing beauty of Hawaii. Giyuu and I quickly went up to our hotel room and put our stuff down quickly just to leave again to go explore. It was pretty warm and the waters looks so beautiful. Since it was sunset when we landed Giyuu and I were able to watch the sunset together. Before the sun fully went down Giyuu pulled me into a kiss. We kissed until the sun went down fully. My dream was to kiss in the sunset. Now it's fulfilled.

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