Confession ~fluff

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(Giyuu POV)
I was finally going to confess to Iguro. Kocho had told me that was inlove with Iguro after I had told her that I felt weird around him. I thought I was getting sick. I doubt he likes me back though. Hes always so cold around me. I feel sad when he says bad things about me. Its always him and Shinazugawa. (does giyuu call him shinazugawa or sanemi-san?) I guess it made me fall for him or something but it stills hurts. I had found Iguro sitting by the pond skipping rocks while petting his pet snake Kaburamaru. I went to sit next to him despite what he would say about me. "Ugh what do YOU want?" He said which hurt my heart a little but I just sat there. I took a deep breath preparing for worst rejection of my life. "Well?" he said. "I dont have all day." I took one last deep breath and just went with what came out. "Okay well I started feeling weird around you and I didnt know why so I went to go see Kocho because I thought I was sick and then she told me that I was inlove with you and she described the feeling perfectly she said it was butterflies and she told me to tell you before things get worse so here we are." I blurted everything straight out.

(Obanai POV)
"I think im in love with you..." Is all I heard Tomioka say. My eyes widened and my cheeks flushed a deep pink. 'Tomioka is inlove with me? for real...?' I thought as I put my hand on my heart which was beating fast. 'Am I also inlove with him? but im inlove with Kanroji...right..?' I thought. I looked over at Tomioka who had a faint smile on his face a beautiful smile that matched his beautiful deep blue eyes. I smiled under my bandages still not saying anything. His smile soon disappeared as he started to stand up. "I understand. Your inlove with Kanroji im sorry.." He said as he started to walk off I swore I saw tears in his eyes. "No...I-I think I like you to.." I mean it was kinda the truth. I got up and hugged him I heard him gasp a little 'has he never had a hug?' I thought as he hugged back well I think it was a hug back. Whatever I cant wait for this new journey.

416 words short chapter

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