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woohooo another update within a month :3 (nevermind)

Requested by Sarahsayers11

(Obanai POV)
I yawned and stretched as I got into bed next to Giyuu and got comfy next to him. "Ready for bed?" Giyuu asked me as he wrapped his arm around me. I nodded as i snuggled into Giyuus chest and closed my eyes finally able to relax after a long day. After a few hours I still couldn't sleep.  I sat up and looked at Giyuu who was still sound asleep. I felt like someone was watching me. I got up putting my mask on and walked to the door of Giyuus estate. I opened the door and my eyes widened. Shinazugawa was there. Why was he there??? "Shit..." I mumbled as he looked at me dumbfounded. I froze. I didn't know what to do or say. Before I could say anything I heard Giyuu walking up behind me his hands wrapping around my waist. "Why arent you in bed...?" He said tired in his voice resting his head on my shoulder his eyes closed. "So your sleeping the emo huh." Shinazugawa said which made Giyuu shoot up his eyes now widening. I sighed and looked down. "Yes...Giyuu and I are together...We have been for a while now...I apologize for not telling you." I said looking up at Shinazugawa. He laughed and put his hand on my shoulder. "I dont like that your sleeping with the emo but you dont need to apologize." Shinazugawa said reassuring me. "Plus I'm sleeping with Gyomei sooooo" Shinazugawa confessed with shocked me. He was with Himejima? Wow. That was shocking. How did that even work? Whatever. We bid our farewells as Shinazugawa walked off and Giyuu and I closed the door and walked back to Giyuus room. I took my mask off again and waited for Giyuu to lay down before I would lay ontop. When he layed down I layed ontop of him getting comfortable again finally being able to sleep.

request things :3

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