School ~ intense fluff/fluff (ft. some hashira)

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(Giyuu POV)
  Ughh this class is so boringgg well not the teacher Mr. Rengoku just the lesson. Hmmm i have an idea... ( : means texting)

Giyuu: hey my love <3
Obanai: what do you want? im in class!
Giyuu: wish I was there. I cant believe we only have one class together.
Obanai: I know...I want you here to. but what do you want?
Giyuu: awww so sweettt
Giyuu: anyways wanna makeout in the bathroom? it can be light if you want.
Obanai: fine ONLY because I miss you. Promise we'll talk at lunch?
Giyuu: Yayyy and we will talk at lunch promise.

(Giyuu POV)
   "Excuse me Mr. Rengoku? may I got to the restroom?" I asked waiting for him to reply. He nodded yes and I got up and left. "my love!!" I said as I ran up to him. We went into the biggest stall and locked the door. I ripped off his bandages and starting kissing him slowly. Oh how I was waiting for his. I starting to kiss him a bit harder and decided to put my hands under his shirt. Oba hesitated at first but allowed it. I slowly started to take off his shirt until he shook his head no. I guess he wanted to keep thigs slow.

~like 4 minutes later or something~

(Giyuu POV)
   I was only able to make out with Obanai for a few minutes because we couldn't stay out of class to long. My lover quickly put his bandages back on after one last kiss "we'll talk at lunch ok? as you promised." he said as he walked out of the bathroom. Since Oba was in advanced classes and I wasnt we didnt have any classes together expect for science which was our lunch period.

~Time Skip Brought To You By Kaburamaru~

(Obanai POV)
   I was quite mad at the school because they wouldn't let me bring Kaburamaru to school. I mean I get hes a snake but hes a support ani– "okay class time to line up for lunch" Mr. Uzui said. 'lunch time already? I thought as I grabbed my lunch box and walked over to Giyuus desk. "Hey we are not doing this today. Obanai, Giyuu get in line." Mr. Uzui demanded I rolled my eyes and walked into line.

~another time skip im sorry~

(Obanai POV)
   I sat down next to Giyuu and handed him my lunch. I ate yesterday so I was good for 3 days or so. I had packed Giyuu simmered salmon with daikon which is his favorite. I grabbed his hand under the table and held it so no one knew. This school is kinda homophobic expect for some teachers like: Ms. Kanroji, Mr. Rengoku, Mr. Uzui, Mr. Himejima, Mr. Shinazugawa, the principal Mr. Tokito, Mr. Ubuyashiki, and Mr. Kibutsuji. I heard the bell ring which snapped me out of my thoughts and I started seeing people get up 'what?' I thought. 'lunch is already over?' but Giyuu...his next class is Ms. Kanroji and I have Mr. Kibutsuji...Its fine right? Only 2 more classes then we can talk on the walk home then he can come over and cuddle! Yes thats right! we can! today is Friday!! Im gonna spend the whole weekend with the love of my life!!

550 words srry i didnt update for like 2 days I had p.e 2 days in a row I was so sore I could barely move

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