Not So Bad

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ok. i know i know its been months im sorry!

(Giyuu POV)
Ever since Rengoku died and Tengen retired its been pretty quiet around here. I mean the meeting arent as lively as they used to be.

Change is a struggle for me. I never liked change on any sort and this is a big adjustment especially because one of the Hashira died its been hard for all of us especially master.

We just got out of a meeting and as always Iguro and Shinazugawa were being mean to me. Kocho claims that they're all just teasing but why is it always me?

I sighed and walked back to my estate. I sometimes think that the master doesn't like me either since I hardly have missions.

I opened the door to my estate and walked in. Kocho always complains about how plain and bland my estate is but I like it how it is. I think it looks good.

Right as I closed the door to my estate there was a knock at the door. I mentally face plamed knowning I was just going to be teased again.

For some reason I ended up opening the door and to my surprise it was Iguro. "Iguro? Uhh what do you need? Its a little weird to see you here..." I said and all he did was look at me.

"Don't think I wanted to be here em—Tomioka....Look. I'm sorry for being mean to you alright? Can I come in so we can talk? Please?"

I was shocked. I never expected an apology to come out of Iguros mouth that was directed to me. I couldn't speak. I was to shocked. "I- U-Uh yeah c-come in!" I stuttered a sentence in and stepped aside.

Iguro walked in and I quickly closed the door behind him because I wouldn't want him to be teased for hanging out with me.

"Its pretty bland in here." Iguro said as he walked around to my couch. I sighed. Everyone says that.

"You don't need to tell me that...I know that...Kocho tells me all the time..." I said as I walked over to Iguro and sat next to him.

He looked at me and rasied an eyebrow. "Kochos been in here.?" He asked his voice suddenly being all stern. Was he angry?

"Only like once or twice...She likes to make fun of me a lot...she says its just teasing though but im the only one who gets hurts a little.." I said but then my eyes widened. I didnt mean to say that last part to Iguro.

(Obanai POV)
I felt bad. Tomioka just said that all the teasing hurts and Shinazugawa make fun of him the most...

I mentally face plamed as regret filled me. He was right. He was the only hashira who got teased. I felt so bad. It was all my fault. I started the teasing.

"Im sorry..I didn't mean to take the teasing that far it was just supposed to be a harmless joke at first but I got carried away...I'm sorry." I said apologizing once again.

Tomioka looked at me and his eyes were wide. It looked like he expected me to laugh at him or something. That made me feel even worse.

With more telling myself to just do it I leaned in and pulled Tomioka into a hug. I felt his body stiffen.

(Giyuu POV)
My eyes widened. Iguro pulled me into a hug! My body stiffened until I eventually got the courage to hug back. I felt my body relax under his melting into the hug.

Did he know? Did he know I had a crush on him? Did Kocho tell him? Why is he being nice to me?

The hug broke off quicker then I liked and Iguro looked at me. He told me he was inlove with me and the Kanroji stuff was an act. He told me that he was teasing me to try and get rid of the feeling but it didnt work.

For the first time in a while I smiled. I told Iguro I liked him back and we kissed. I was so happy.

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