Chapter 3: Is she dead?

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"Why would you do this to me, Mal? You're actually leaving me with my mother?!" I yell, completely ignoring my mother's presence.

She doesn't look like she gives a shit though. Yeah, 'cause I totally didn't expect that.

"Tess, look. This is my only chance. I had a job interview earlier and they told me I'm either at their office tomorrow, or I don't have the job" I roll my eyes at him, but still try to listen what he tries to explain "I'm 22! I need this job. I can't live with my mother for my whole life"

My mother doesn't really look offended by the comment my brother just has made. She enjoys her glass of whine and the tv show she's currently watching.

"She hates me Malcom! She really does. How do you expect me to live with her, alone, without you?" I shout at him as another tear slips down my cheek.

I love my brother and I don't want to be rude to him, but for Christ's sake! I can't live with that woman without him! On the other hand, I totally understand him and I know he needs this job. I'm mad. I'm not completely sure at who though. I think I'm mad at the universe for giving me such a traumatizing life.

"Tessa, I kno-"

"You know what? It's whatever. Don't be surprised if I kill myself one day though" I rage and head straightly to my room after grabbing my backpack. As I start walking up the stairs I decide to tell them something more.

"Oh and by the way, I got expelled today, because of something I didn't even do" I inform them as I come back to the living room

"What?" my mother says, sounding shocked, but looking unbothered

Malcom doesn't say anything, but you could say by the look on his face, he was shocked as well.

"Don't act like you care, mother" I chuckle. As I am about to go upstairs my mother ushers.

"I better go and pack" Malcom says and rushes to his room upstairs

"Sit here, Tessa" she says as she pats the place next to her on the couch


What a lovely surprise. My mother decides to give a shit for once! I'm more like scared than excited, but well, I've been through everything. Nothing can shock me now. I sit on the spot, she patted second ago and she starts the conversation.

My energy's threatened, when I'm near her. I hope she won't do anything to me.

"I never knew what to do after your father died. I used to believe you were the curse. I don't know if I still believe in it or not, but I couldn't accept the fact he was gone. And gosh, I hated you so much" she admits and continues as my heart stars tearing apart, because of her tough words

"You were confused and Malcom helped you, but I just- I just couldn't. In my eyes you were the devil and he was the angel. You fucked up my life. It seems like since the moment you were born everything is falling apart. Just the fact that you're my blood, makes me love you a little, tiny bit. After some time, I convinced myself you were just there in my life. You didn't mean a lot, but you were always there. It was great knowing I have a smart and strong daughter. I fucked you up, I know. I'm a bad person. But I tried to be a good mother to my son-" she says coldly while dragging her cig

"YOU WERE MY MOTHER TOO!" I stand up and crack

Tears couldn't seem to stop escaping my eyes. Why is she telling me this now? It's not like I didn't know it before, but hearing just hits different.

I rush to my room.

"I love you, Tessa" I hear her saying from the living room

It makes me cry even more.

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