Chapter 27: Nana & Papa

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Today I had such a funny day. It was a mix of feeling well and bad. I'm super tired right now, but Mama and I are having such good time, that I don't want to ruin it.

I'm finally feeling so free. I'm able to talk with my mom about anything, can you believe that? A year ago I wouldn't even believe myself.

"It's so funny that a year ago I didn't have all this. I didn't have you, momma" she deeply listens, smiling as I continue "now, I can't imagine not having you as my mom" I chuckle, sarcasticly

"Oh, honey" she smiles briefly and pulls me closer, hugging me

"Promise me, you'll never leave" I back away, asking with fear in my eyes "I don't want to hurt again. P-please?"

"Tessie, I won't leave you. You're my little girl, why would I leave you?" she reassures "we're a mother-daughter best duo, y'know that?" she says, nudging my arm on purpose

I stare at her for a second, before I let myself relax again.

She's my mom now. My dearest parent. It's only been like month and a half since I actually got to call her that, and I've never felt the way I feel.

Cared for.

She cares if I eat enough, hydrate enough, if I feel bad or good, if I'm sick. Nobody's done that the way she does.

People always say that nothing lasts forever, but I hope...I do hope, family's forever.

"Can we wat-" my sentence is interrupted by my big yawn "can we watch Harry Potter, pretty please?" I blur out

"Oh I don't think so, miss" she giggles "you're exhausted"

"Nu-uh" I answer, immediately opening my eyes, trying to prove my point

"Well, then prove it" she laughs "do a squat for me. Without falling"

I get my stubborn ass off the couch, wanting to prove myself right.

"Alright" I say, before doing as she said

When I get down, another wave of tiredness washes me over and I let myself just fall on the floor on my butt. I lay on the floor, my eyes closed.

I can hear my mom laughing her ass off. I bet that was funny to watch. Well, I lost my challenge, I might as well let myself sleep now.

Lizzie's pov:

"How about now? What do you say, you tired now, baby?" I ask her, still slightly laughing

I can hear her little snores, coming out of her mouth.

"Tessie, sweetheart?"

When she doesn't answer, I'm sure at this point she's already asleep. I chuckle, getting up and coming up to her.

My child is as stubborn as a literal donkey. Always gotta be right!

"Let's get you to bed, then" I smile, looking down at my child

As Tessie's asleep in her bed, I wander back to the living room. I put on some calming music, not too loud to not wake up my daughter.

I promised, she'd meet her grandparents soon.

I still haven't called them. They don't even know about my health condition. They don't know about my daughter. But they're still my parents, they deserve to know.

I've been putting off that conversation for weeks and months, but I can't delay it any longer.

A phone call can't be that bad.

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