Chapter 5: Guest

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Lizzie washes our plates after we finish eating. I have to admit the meal was delicious. Lizzie's a really great cook. I'm still sitting on the chair, wondering what I'm gonna do. Where am I gonna sleep? Streets do sound bad. Like I said before I can't go back home either. I'm really, really scared right now.

"Hey, do you wanna watch a movie?" she offers, pulling me out of my thoughts

"Uh, sure!"

She leads me to the living room and we get comfortable on the big couch.

"You never told me if you watched marvel movies" she reminds, taking her vision off the screen to look at me

"Oh, yeah, sorry. Well, my best friend's obsessed with marvel and I've watched a couple of movies with him, but I'm not really into it. The movies are great though" I tell her

"That's great! Do you wanna watch a marvel movie?"

"Why not" I reply

After two hours, we finish watching the movie "Iron man 3". It was pretty fun to be honest! It made me forgot about the whole previous situation. Yeah, the situation. I still haven't figured out where am I gonna go. I think the stairs are great. I'm just gonna be there, until the morning and we'll see what happens next.

"Hey, what's in this little pretty head of yours? You seem stressed" Lizzie says pulling me out of my thoughts

Tessa. Don't.

"uh I- I'm just tired I guess. I have sleeping problems since my parents fight all the time" I tell her, rubbing my puffy-looking eyes

The truth is I really am tired. I've always had sleeping problems. Well, not because of 'my parents who fight all the time', but because of my overthinking. It seems like when I go to bed, my stupid head has to go through every situation that has happened throughout the day and then hear the little voice "you could've done that better!" or "why would you say something like that". I just can't sleep knowing I'm such a freak.

"I'm so sorry, sweetie. It must be so hard for you" she says giving me a sad smile "why don't you sleep here tonight then? If you want to, of course!" after a short moment of consideration, she offers

I don't want to take advantage of her, but well it's better than the stairs, isn't it?

"Are you sure I'm not a burden?" I ask, staring at my lap

I feel bad. Why is she so nice to me? It's not like I've done anything for her.

"Tessie, stop. You are not a bother to me. I think you forgot that I'm the one that invited you. If you don't want to, I'm not gonna force though"

"I really want to. You're a nice lady" I mumble, slightly hoping she doesn't catch that

"Thank you, girl" she sends me a soft smile "Okay, why don't you call your parents to ask now? I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back" she tells me and runs to the bathroom

I take my phone out of my pocket and pretend to make a call.

"yeah, hi mom. Can I sleep at my friend's place tonight?

Her name is Lizzie.

Yes, I told you about her yesterday.


Thank you, love you"

By the end of my fake call, Lizzie comes out of the bathroom. It was the worst fake ass call ever, but I don't care. She didn't hear it anyway.

"And?" she asks, waiting for an answer

"They agreed!"

"Yay! That's so great. C'mon, I'll show you the way to the guest room" she grabs my hand and leads me to the room

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