Chapter 18: Let the madness begin

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(warning; this chapter's actually really tough, so please do not read, if you don't feel okay at the moment)

"I didn't do anything wrong!" tears kept running down my cheeks

"The hell you did! You were born!" my girth giver snapped as we both stood in the kitchen

We got into a fight. Again. The whole deal was that I made a small mess, while cooking dinner on her request and also, more importantly, when she was pouring herself a glass of whine, I accidentally knocked it over.

She started yelling and growling. I was 9 and scared of the only person, that was currently in the house at the moment.

"Mom, you're drunk. Please-"

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!"

I ran outside. Salty tears were burning my cheeks. There was nothing I could do. She got mad and I wasn't able to stop it.

"It's all your fault!" she choked out

I could sense the rage filling her entire body. It was like- loading. And when something's loading, it's supposed to be released...

She sharply grabbed my sore arm and dragged me to the car.

"Get in, Tessa! Just fucking get in!" she pushed me

"No! No! I'm scared of you!" I cried out

I was wondering at that time if our neighbors were able to hear it all. I hoped they would and they probably did. Then what kept them sitting in silence? Didn't they care about a little girl, crying her heart out?

I was sitting in the passenger's side and my mother got into the driver's one.

I was looking out the window. I didn't know what was gonna happen to me. Where was she taking me. All I was thinking about that moment, was that one day I would escape this place, live far far away from here. I'd eat chocolate all day. I'd smile and laugh without fear. I'd find somebody, who loves me and live happily ever after with them.

The thought brought a small, soft smile to my puffy face.

"Look at me!"

And again, I was back in the reality. Another tears rolled down my cheeks. I feared every next second with this woman. I didn't detach my vision from the beautiful trees and the blue sky. I felt like there were crying with me. It made me feel safer. Like I'm not alone.

"Look at me, Tessa!" she firmly snatched my hair, rotating my head into her direction

"You know dad wouldn't like you like this" I spoke firmly, but not angrily, with pain, but not fearing her for this one, single second of my life

The rage, that was only beginning to be a large lake, became an endless sea in less than a millisecond. It's like a rock, hitting the water. Plane, suddenly crashing.

You think you know this world, when you've been through this much. But you don't.

You think you recognize your feelings, when they play with your head. But you don't.

You think you expect a punch, when you see one coming. But you don't.

Her filled with anger, devil eyes cried just like mine. Except she was wasn't scared. She wasn't fearing her life. She wasn't curling like a small ball in a car seat, getting hit many times by her mother, who was keeping one hand on the wheel and with another one, she was traumatizing her only daughter.

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