Chapter 21: Snap me out of pain

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Lizzie's pov:

I did the best I could. I don't know if I failed or succeeded.

But I think this is a typical thing for a mother to say.

I want my child to feel good. I wish she could just relax and be a kid. I promised myself I'd do anything to make her feel better. So I will.

Whatever it takes, I will do. I'm not sure what I can do though. I think the best thing to do is just to surround Tessie with lots of love and positivity. I can't change the way she feels, but I can at least make it less harder.

I wish I could just take this burden off of her back and carry it on my own.

Our day was alright. Tessie had a couple of breakdowns, remembering last night. It must've been so traumatizing for her. It was for me as well. To see her in such a state? It was truly a stab in the heart.

I don't blame her though. She IS still just a child. It's not her fault, her mother treated her this way. A nightmare triggered her and she couldn't do anything about it. Her nightmare was her real past and the past held so much pain. Physical and mental pain...

All I want is for my baby to be okay. Nothing more.

Every single mention of something that reminded her of that night was hurtful. She shed a tear when I poured her a glass of water. She really didn't want me to change her bandages, but I had to. As much as I hate seeing her sad, I had to do it.

I was happy to see her mood slightly lighten up when my sisters came over. I didn't know if I should tell them about what happened. It's been messing with my mind as well. It's not common to experience a situation like this. I needed to talk with somebody about it. To get it out of myself. To say how much I hate seeing her hurt.

She started to get whiny after I changed her bandages. I was hoping I didn't wrap them too tight.

When Tessie mentioned the bandages, I knew I'd have to tell my sisters what happened. I wanted to anyway.

"Why don't you go watch a movie, baby? Maybe it'll make you feel better" I kiss Tessie's forehead and watch her lay on the couch and pick a movie

"So, what the hell happened, Lizzie?!" Mary-Kate shouts not so loud, so Tessie doesn't hear

"Okay, listen. That situation is a really tough one for me too. I really needed to talk with somebody, because I'd literally blow up if I didn't!" I start, looking at them both "Last night, at about 3 am, I woke up by hearing a glass breaking. Tessie had a terrible nightmare about her past...her mother- she was...physically abusing her" I start silently sobbing, girls put their hand on mine to comfort me "I don't know a lot about it, because it's an emotional topic for Tess. Anyway, she- uhm, she hurt herself...with the shatters of glass. There are many, many cuts on both of her thighs. There was a big pool of blood on the floor. So that's why...she has the bandages" at this point I'm full on crying mood

"Oh, Lizzie. I'm so sorry" Ashley comforts me

"I know it's not her fault. I just hate seeing her hurt like this. She's only 11" I silently cry out, sniffling

"It's gonna be okay, Liz" MK sends me a soft, sad smile "she'll be alright"

MK decides to join my daughter on the couch as I continue talking with Ashley.

Tessa's pov:

My love is endless, but so is my pain. I want to spend great time with my friends and my family, but the past gets in the way. I can't help, but feel the way I feel. I'm lost in my thoughts and it seems like I always will be.

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