Chapter 16: Done deal, Hi mama!

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It's all fine - I keep repeating in my mind - he won't hurt me

I head into Lizzie's office where the man is sitting down on a swivel chair, waiting for me to come in.

"There's no reason to be stressed" he assures me in a soft tone of voice as I sit down on a chair in front of him "I'm no therapist, but I studied psychology. I'll recognize a lie when I hear one, so I need you to be honest with me, can you do that?"

"Yes. I'm just a little stressed right now"

"It's okay. There's no reason to be"

I take a deep breath and get ready for what's about to happen. I'm probably making it too serious, but this is how I feel. It's a big deal for me.

"Let's begin, kid" he opens his notes "I already discussed some topics with Ms. Olsen and I'm aware of your past. I know what and how it all happened that both of you met. So, tell me how do you feel around Lizzie?"

"I Like if she's there, nothing can hurt me. She's the mom I'd always wish to have" I speak from my heart, smiling widely at the thought

He writes something down and his eyes return to look at me.

"Very well. Was there any situation when Ms. Olsen hurt you or forced you to do something?"

"Nooo. She would never!"

The man continues asking me questions. Most of them sound obvious, but I guess they're important. I know he needs to make sure, I'm also the one who wants to be adopted by Lizzie. He needs to make sure she's a great parent-figure. Which is surely true.

After 30 minutes, we're done.

"Thank you for being honest with me. I can see Lizzie is an amazing role model and a future parent. You're situation is kind of complicated, but don't worry. My team and I have this already figured out. All on Elizabeth's request. She really does care about you, Tessie"

It wasn't so scary as it seemed. I feel quite alright now. We get out of the room and head towards the living room where Lizzie and Theo are.

They get up as soon as they notice us approaching.

"Papers are ready for you to sign, Lizzie. You're gonna make a beautiful, little family. There's pure love here; so precious"

My heart starts beating faster as Lizzie takes the pen in her hand. I hear my own breath. I see memories. Some of them bad, some of them good. The past life I used to lead is about to experience its end.

"Sign here" the man shows, pointing at a spot on the document

Gone. All is about to be gone. My nightmare fades away as Lizzie signs the papers. There has been a shift in energy, life, cosmos - whatever there is. The calmness flows through me. I no longer feel in danger. Inner peace is all there is.

Thank you, Lizzie. For saving my life.

And there comes the last signature.

"Done deal" Frank informs, taking the papers and putting them in a briefcase

The silence fills the room around us. Lizzie's eyes are glued to mine.

Daughter and a mother we are.

"Hi, mama" I jump into her arms

She gently embraces me.

I cannot hide my happiness right now. My eyes light up with excitement making Liz- my mom chuckle.

My mom. My mom has the most beautiful soul; a soul so caring for others. I've never felt so euphoric. I have a mom! A mother! Can you believe that?

Can you believe me, dad? I'm feeling alright! I have a mom!

Broken child | Adopted by Elizabeth Olsen Where stories live. Discover now