Chapter 7: Hard decision

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Lizzie's pov:

When Tessa told me how things really are, I think my heart broke. When she got to LA, her parents weren't really fighting, they were dead. She's here without anyone. I know calling the police would be the appropriate thing to do, but I can't let the poor kid live in the orphanage. What if people there are even worse than her mother? No, no I can't let her go there. On the other hand, she can't live with me forever. Or can she?

Elizabeth Chase Olsen! You're not thinking straight!

But maybe it's not a bad idea. Maybe I could adopt the girl.

No, no Lizzie. Go to sleep.

I wake up and look at the time on my phone. It's 9am. I'm so glad I'm not going to work today. I look at Tessie who's sleeping peacefully, cuddled up to me. I start to stroke her hair gently. She's so cute.
I have no idea why her mother was such a bitch to her. She didn't do anything wrong. It's not her fault her dad died.

I get up slowly so I don't wake up the girl and prepare myself for the day. I take a quick shower and choose my clothes. I decide to wear sweatpants and a hoodie since I don't have anything to do today. It's a lazy day. I'm hoping maybe I could bake some cookies or watch a movie with Tess, to cheer her up. She's got a lot of stuff on her mind. I'm not surprised though. If I were her, I'd feel the same.

I'm so grateful something like that didn't happen to me. I can't imagine what's inside the little girl's head now or what's been there for the last 7 years. Her mental health is probably like terrible. I hope not, but let's be honest, when you look at her you can see she's clearly not okay.

I head to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I don't really know what Tessie likes so I decide to make pancakes. The last times she was sleeping at my place, she just told me she'd eat whatever I'd make.

Tessa's pov:

I wake up in a big, empty bed. I notice that Lizzie's gone. She's probably in a kitchen or bathroom.

Or at the police station.

I get up and stretch my arms. I look at my phone and notice it's 9:30am. I don't really know what I'm gonna do today. Or tomorrow or the day after. It's not like I can live in Lizzie's apartment forever. She has a job and more important things to care about than a stupid kid.

I head to the kitchen and see Lizzie placing two plates with pancakes on the table.

"morning, kiddo" she says in a high-pitched voice to enlighten the mood a little bit

"Hi. That smells so great" I tell her "can I have some?"

"I made them for you, silly" she laughs

"Thank you" I say as I sit at the table and start eating the pancakes fastly

"hey, hey slow down a little bit. I don't want you choking, sweetie"


During breakfast Lizzie came up with an idea. On the first day, when we met she told me about her best friends - Scarlett and Chris. I've already met Scarlett, but I haven't met Chris! She's talked a lot about him and he sounds so dope. I'm excited to meet him! Lizzie just texted him if she wants to come over so now we're waiting for his answer. In the meantime we cleanup after breakfast. Lizzie didn't want me to help her, but I insisted so I'm putting the dishes in the cupboard now.

"Do you think he'll like me?" I ask Lizzie

"I'm sure he will! I've told him a lot about you. All the great things, since you have no bad ones!"

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