Chapter 8: Soon my daughter

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After the visit at my sisters' place, I'm quite sure what I wanna do.

I go back to my apartament. As I open the door, I hear Tessie's cute giggling. I wonder what made her laugh like that. I put the groceries on the kitchen counter and walk up to Chris and Tessa.

"What are you guys doing?"

"We're playing cards!" Tessie exclaims happily

I swear to god, seeing this kid happy is the best view ever.

"And I'm winning" Chris says looking up at me with a big smile on his face

"Hey! You didn't win!" Tessie says

"Yet" Chris adds and he bursts into laughter, Tessie right after him

"Cmon! Play with us! Please?" Tessie begs me and does the best puppy eyes she can

I sit next to her and she explains me the rules of the game they're playing. It's pretty easy so I understand it quickly. We play for about 20 minutes.

"And bum! I win!" I exclaim

I gotta say, I enjoyed this game. It made me forget about all of the bad things, the problems. Seeing Tessie happy makes my day better.

Chris decided to stay with us and help us bake the cookies. He seems to like Tessie too. Well, how could he not like her! She's the best. While we're preparing everything, they tell me what were they doing when I was gone. They've played many video games. Tessie even learned how to play a new video game and won with Chris twice! Such a smartass.

"Okay. We need sugar, butter, flour, chocolate..."

"Got it" Tessie says putting all the products on the counter

Making the dough took us about an hour without counting the time when we were having a 'flour fight'.

"Great! Now I'm completely covered in flour" Tessie says in a offended tone, but laughing

"Me too, kid" Chris adds while he's trying to brush his hoodie down

Chris excuses himself because somebody's calling him. He says it's his brother - Scott.

"Lizzie! I have an idea! We could cut out the cookies in some cool shapes. Do you have any casts?" The girl asks me

„Uh I think I do, but only in Christmassy shapes"

"That's even cooler!" The kid exclaims and happily does her little jumps

When the dough is prepared, we start cutting out the shapes. After some time we put the cookies to the oven to let them bake.

15 minutes pass and the cookies start looking like actual cookies. Plus, we can smell them from the living room!

„Mmm. They smell amazing!" Chris speaks, standing in front of the oven

We put them on the kitchen counter and wait for them to cool off.

"Can I try now?" Tessie asks impatiently, like her life depends on those cookies


"What about now?"

"No" I say again, laughing under my nose "eating those cookies now is like setting fire in your mouth" I add and she whines

"Screw this!" Chris exclaims and takes a bite of the hot chocolate chip cookie "oh my gosh! oh my gosh! I need water! water please!" He yells jumping around like a little kid

We burst out laughing, but give him the glass of water he's asking for. I told them. It's not my fault they didn't listen. I mean Chris didn't.

"It really does burn like hell!"

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