Chapter 25: Uncle-dad

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Lizzie's pov:

The best sight for a mother is to see her child happy. Today I got to see it and I swear to God, for the 28 years of my life, I've never been so happy. It felt like somebody just took my soul out and sent it to heaven. To see Tessie dancing and singing around with my friends was the best view ever. She's my spark.

We just got inside the bar. We were stargazing and little miss got too excited, which of course made my heart melt. It was actually funny when Chris had to carry her inside, 'cause she insisted on staying outside,

"I saw a falling star, guys!" she tells the rest of the group who came inside earlier than us "right above me!" she exclaims, still in Chris's arms

We're slowly getting ready to go. It's almost 11pm. Tessie's had a tough day too. I know she's excited now, but once the tiredness hits her, I bet she'll be sleeping 'til afternoon.

I can actually see her getting sleepier and sleepier with every minute now. She's trying to keep herself awake to still be in the conversation, but when Chris starts rubbing her back - she's lost the battle. I notice she's rubbing her eyes and slowly drifting off to sleep.

"You guys! We have to do this more often!" Chris Hemsworth encourages after finishing the talk with the bartender

"Definitely! This was really fun" Brie agrees, widely smiling

"Uh, duh. We got the cool kiddo here. She provides all the fun for us, old people" Robert chuckles, mockingly

"Who's fast asleep by now" Chris adds and turns around so that we could see the child's face

And she actually is asleep.

"Oh my god! Look at that cuteness" Florence takes out her phone to take a photo

Everybody 'awes' which makes me proud, because it's MY cutest daughter.

If only she knew, my days are brighter, because of her...

"She's such a sweetheart. I'm really happy for you, Liz" Sebastian tells me and I just smile at him and look back at Tess

We're heading towards the exit and to our cars, of course as slowly as always, because of the still on-going chat. It'll be at least 20 more minutes before we actually get into 'em.

I asked Scar to watch over Tessie when I'll be at work on Monday. We finished shooting our scenes, but there's still some matters I have to discuss over with our team. Rose really adores Tessie, so it might be just fun. Besides Tess was asking me when we were going to visit Aunt Scarlett, so this is perfect!

We all say our goodbyes and thank for the night. Chris and I head to my car. He gently put my daughter in the passenger's seat.

"This was so fun. We really gotta do it more often. Tessie seemed to have an incredible fun"

"Yup. Hey, maybe Tessie could come over tomorrow? She's never seen Dodger" Chris offers, adding

"I'm pretty sure she'd be excited more than ever, but I'll ask her first and I'll let you know"

"Okay, of course"

We hug for goodbye and I get in the car. I notice Tessie's shifting in her seat a little and opening her eyes.

"Mama?" she mumbles, half-asleep

"Shh. Go back to sleep, baby" I kiss her head

It's 12pm and Tessie's still sleeping as I predicted. I'm knew this would happen. We got home around 12am, so it was well past the time Tess usually falls sleep.

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