Chapter 9 The Man who Threw Away his Draws

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The Lancers and the Commons are taken to the kingpin's older-style room, where the kingpin sits on top of a large block covered by a sheet, with his two attendants in the room with him.

"So you're here? Our boss, Tokumatsu Chojiro, has called you out himself!" the blue-robed man says.

"Tokumatsu?" Crow mutters.

"And where does he get on calling us out personally?" Sawatari demands.

"You shouldn't fight against these guys here..." Dennis whispers to Sawatari. "It'll just make this a hassle!"

"Bring 'em out." Chojiro says.

"He means your cards!" The blue Robe man says.

"Cards?" Jean asks.

"If you want to enjoy your life here, you better bring some over!"

Ron says, "If it's just giving out cards to only get on the good side of the boss, then I don't have one card for that purpose!"

Jean says, "I agree. We have to get out of here as soon as possible! We're not planning on settling down and enjoying ourselves here!"

The green outfit Commons gets worried, but Gongenzaka reassures him that it'll be okay.

"Listen up. I'm the boss here, which means I'm at the top of this place! So that means I make the rules! You're all beneath me so you obey me! That's the common sense of this world."

"Oh yeah? And what makes you say that?" Everyone turns around to see Yuya standing at the jail door.

"Yuya?" The Lancers exclaim.

"And who might you be? You don't belong here." Chojiro says.

"If it is related to my comrades, then I have the right to be here. Cards are to be used for Dueling!" Yuya says.

"I see you are another brat who won't listen to reason..." Tokumatsu laments. "Then take a look at this!"

He leaps off the block that he's sitting on. His lackeys remove the white covering, revealing that the block is made up entirely of Duel Monsters cards, including several Synchro Monsters, and when he lands he sends up a gust of wind similar to Gongenzaka's drawing action.

"Do you know what these are? These are the cards of those who've lost when they challenged me in Duels in the 10 years I've ruled here! Here, cards are the proof of who's on top! And Dueling is a sign of power!"

Yuya says, "You're wrong. Duels are meant to be fun! And you said that you've been undefeated for 10 years, aren't you too full of yourself?"

Chojiro says, "If you had just given those cards, to me I would have let this slide, but I've changed my mind. Guard! Bring me a Duel Disk! We're going to duel now!"

He throws a card to the guard, and he says, "Yes, I'll bring it right away!"

Chojiro turns to Yuya and says, "Here, it is said that cards determine your fate. If you won't listen, you'll have to learn the hard way. You better prepare yourself! I'll knock some sense to you through a Duel!"

Yuya says, "I wouldn't have it any other way!"

As the two of them face off, Tokumatsu comments, "No, you don't get it yet. Those who fight against those on top are always crushed! And you aren't arrested, why bother going here to duel me?"

Yuya activates his Duel Disk, replying, "I fight for my friends, and besides, we'll see if I get crushed or not."

"Brat... Let's go!" Tokumatsu says as he activates his own Duel Disk, and they both shout "Duel!" (Chojiro:4000)(Yuya:4000)

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