Chapter 26 Tech Genius Save

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"Sakaki Yuya clinches victory after a splendid counterattack against Shinji's undulating offense! Now, he returns to the duel palace!" Melissa narrates rides through the Duel Palace and stops at the garage.

"Yuya!" Sam runs to him.

Yuya takes off his helmet, but then they hear the Tops cheering and the Commons yelling at him for defeating Shinji.

"That was one spectacular duel!" A Tops yells out.

"You did a good job shutting up that Common's drivel about revolution and revolt." Another Tops says.

"How dare you do this to Shinji... To our comrade... Shinji fought for the Commons. Sakaki Yuya made himself our enemy by defeating him!" A Commons yells.

"There's no mistake! He's an enemy who's shamelessly sucking up to the Tops!" another Commons agrees.

Yuya is getting frustrated as he yells, "Shut Up! I'm no one's enemy!"

This causes everyone to flinch as they are now stunned.

"Wow...Sakaki Yuya's roar stops the fight... And we finally had an awesome and suspenseful duel!" Melissa says.

Yuya takes the microphone and says, "I have no intention to go into your conflict of Commons and Tops. I am just an outsider who has come to this place, the same goes for most of my friends in the Friendship Cup."

Then the sound of a D-Wheel stopping caught Yuya's attention and sees Shinji take off his helmet "Dammit..." Shinji curses.

Then the sound of clapping caught everyone's attention and saw Roget with three Security officers walking towards them.

"Roget..." Yuya mutters.

"Why is the Chief of the Security Bureau here?" Melissa wonders.

Yuni says, "What is that traitor doing there?"

"Something tells me that it is nothing good..." Katrina says.

Reisho says, "Bruno, can you go help Yuya?"

"Leave it to me." He then leaves.

Roget then stops in front of Yuya, "Splendid work. I was impressed by your amazing duel. Especially when you Synchro Summoned from Pendulum Summoned in the end. That elegant, bold development was more than I'd expected. I couldn't help but gasp in admiration. You are indeed one I can rely on, Sakaki Yuya. There are certain things only you can do." RogeT says.

"Hey, what's that about relying on you?! Don't tell me...You have had connections with those dogs from Security and Tops from the very start? That is why you managed to go inside and outside the Facility of your free will?" Shinji accuses.

Yuya says, "What are you talking about?"

Just then, the Commons also start to verbally attack him, "There is something fishy! How could a no-name like you become the King's opponent and manages to get a tie with him? Does that mean he has an inside deal?"

"How foolish..." Yuya grits his teeth.

"It's not true, right? All that about an inside deal. I just believe in his potential." Roget said.

"Potential?" Shinji asks. "It's true that he was a no-name. But Sakaki Yuya has the Pendulum Summon, a previously unknown power. I thought it was best to assess that power in a duel with the City's best duelist, Jack Atlas. Of course, that duel ended in a draw, but today, I realize that my expectations for Sakaki Yuya were not misplaced. His dueling grows stronger each time."

"You've gotta be joking! What potential? Everything was fixed from the start, wasn't it?!" Shinji yells.

"You're the joke, Shinji Weber." Roget says.

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