Chapter 14 The Light and Darkness of the City

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"The special match commemorating the eve of the Friendship Cup! This match is getting exciting! We have someone who has equal strength to our Duel King, Jack Atlas!"

After the two duelists leave the arena, Yugo says, "Man, I wish I can get to battle, too."

"Me too." Risu says. "The battle is really awesome."

Just then, two people with white suits come to them and one of them says, "Please come with us."

"Who are you?" Ryu asks as Yuni replies, "They are the members of the Council, they have orders from the Executive Council to lead us to our quarters."

"And don't worry, the Security Bureau can't stop them." Katrina says.

"From here on, we will show you the way." One of the members says.

As the 8 of them are in the hotel, they see a hologram with the 5 council members.

"What is that?" Vivian says as she is startled.

"I'm sorry. We did not plan to startle you." White Taki closed his eyes in an apologizing manner.

"What are you five doing here? And you're transparent!" Risu asks.

"This is just a hologram. In truth, we're not here, but..." White Taki says.

"You can see us, and we can talk to you." Gael said with little to no emotion.

"The Friendship Cup's participants..." Gray starts.

"Are our guest, and at the same time..." Follows Azul.

"Under our surveillance. Isn't that correct, Chairman?" Bordeaux finishes as he asks for confirmation.

"Yes." White Taki affirms. "This is a penthouse situated atop the Executive Council building. It's equipped with facilities akin to that of first-class hotels. Do you feel comfortable here?"

"Well, by seeing the interior, it is quite luxurious." Yuni says.

Yuzu asks, "But what about Yuya? Gongenzaka and everyone?"

The Executive Council spoke in the order of Gael, Gray, Azul, and Bordeaux.

"You need not worry."

"Everyone is here."

"In the same building..."

"Although they're in separate rooms."

"Everyone's here too?" Ryu says.

"All 32 participants will live in this penthouse during the tournament." Gael states.

"But you may only stay as long as you keep winning." Gray adds.

"If you lose, you must leave immediately." Azul says.

"And you won't be staying here. Right? Chairman?" Bordeaux asks.

"Yes. Only losers in the Friendship Cup have to leave. But the Signers will be an exception, meaning those with the red marks on their hands can be out of the hotel since they need to come out for protecting the Synchro Dimension." White Taki says.

As the hologram ends, Vivian asks, "I am a little confused, what are they talking about?"

Yuni sighs, "It means that all of you will be locked inside the rooms for the safety of Security. You can't get out of the room until it is your turn to duel."

Katrina says, "And if you lose, maybe you'll be sent to the Facility or other places. Except, me, Brother, Sister, and Reisho, since we are asked to protect the city from the Dark Signers."

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