Chapter 25 Storm of Revolution

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Sergey re-enters the Duel Palace victoriously and he is met by a crowd of stunned and worried faces.

"S-Sergey Volkov has come back to the stadium! Even covered in wounds, he managed to pull off an amazing comeback victory!" Melissa says.

Sergey then laughs hysterically, "She's gone! She's done for! Did you see her face twisted in fear!? Beautiful!"

"Duelist Crusher... Did he do this to all the other Duelists he defeated?" A man mutters. "How repulsive..." A Woman in a pink hat states.

In the Executive Council room, where the council is still surrounded by Security. Gael asks, "Akaba Reiji... You stated that Roget's ambitions were pointless, did you not?"

Grey says, "But right now, his plan is steadily making progress."

Azul asks, "Is this fine with you?"

Bordeaux says, "Just sitting here and watching that happen?"

Reiji stays silent as he stares at the screen, which shows the Duel Palace. Sergey stops but was still laughing hysterically, and then some Security comes into the field.

"Security has made their way onto the stadium!" Melissa says.

The Security then fire energy nets at Sergey. "They've captured Sergey! They're removing him from the stadium." Melissa says.

"To think his mind would break from that level of a Duel...It looks like he needs to be re-educated." Roget says.

Meanwhile, the Lancers in the room are also shocked. Ryu yells, "More importantly, what about Yuzu?! Is Yuzu safe!? I promised Dad to bring her back..."

"Damn it...Ruri is also inside her, how dare he..." Shun also curses.

"Yuzu...How dare he! Rin is inside her! And he just...just..." Risu also bangs on the table.

"I will inherit your will, Yuzu, Rin!" Yugo says.

Back in the Dark Signer's Hideout, a person with the Flower Mark says, "So you didn't get Hiiragi Yuzu or Akaba Ray, but you got Rin?"

"It is quite a shame, but at least we still get one of her fragments." Condor says as he looks at Rin, who is still closing her eyes. "She should be a perfect soul for one of the Earthbound God." Then he places a Dark Pendulum Card on her chest.

"Now let's get to our next match! Shinji Weber vs. Sakaki Yuya!" Melissa announces.

"What? Brother?" Vivian says in shock.

"Shinji versus Yuya?" Crow is surprised.

Yuni says, "Damn it...Brother hasn't woken up yet..."

Just then, the door opens and Sam says, "I will escort you to the stadium."

Zarc says, "Sam, did Yuzu come back?"

"I do not know." Sam says.

"You don't know?!" Zarc frowns.

"There's no point in asking him!" They notice Shinji walking toward them.

"Shinji?" Yuni asks.

"Who do you think cares about the losers? For the Tops bastards, we're just another show! Once a pawn is lost from the game, it's over!" Shinji says.

"Over?! Are you telling me that no one went to help her?!" Reisho asks.

"The defeated are thrown away. That is how this world works now!" Shinji says. "You could say Hiiragi Yuzu has become another sacrifice for this world. That's why I've been fighting! To change this distorted society!"

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