Chapter 47 Signs of Doom Part 1

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While walking towards the Dark Signer's hideout as their final destination, Yuya, Yuni, and Yuzu are having a chat with Kurosaki Aera.

"Still, it is quite confusing to see you two looking just like my daughters." Aera says to Yuni and Yuzu.

"I know." Yuni says. "But it can't be helped since we are torn into 4 beings and live in four dimensions."

Yuzu says, "Yeah..."

Yuya asks, "By the way, Katrina, you said that when you were separated from our family, you said that you were living with Ruri and her family, right?"

Katrina nods as Yuya turns to Aera with a bow, "Thank you for taking care of Katrina for us."

Aera says, "No problem, she is quite a help before Yusho comes to Heartland."

Yuni says, "Speaking of him, how was he in the Xyz Dimension? Did he mention us before?"

Ruri says, "You Dad is the principal of our Heartland School, he found him performing on the streets and offers him to become our teacher. And he teaches mostly Clover Branch, but sometimes, he will teach us Spade Branch Students as well."

"It is after One class and Ron told me that I reunited with him." Katrina says. "Then I moved out of Kurosaki's and live with him before the Invasion comes. But we sometimes will visit and have dinner together."

Vivian says, "So our families get along quite well..."

Aera says, "Indeed. But when he met Yuto, Rumi, and Ruri for the first time, he did mention you three. Saying that how you two are Katrina's siblings and how you guys are having fun together."

Yuya says, "I see...he must be confused since Yuto and I look the same while Ruri looks like Yuzu and Yuni looks like Rumi."

Ruri says, "And we didn't know that Katrina is a half-vampire until Lisa's incident happened. Yusho sensei is also good at keeping secrets."

"I know..." Katrina says. "He just doesn't want me to be bullied for what I am..."

Then they see the shrine, which has the mark of the Condor in the sky. "So this is it..." Yuzu says.

"Yeah..." Katrina replies.

A mild earthquake breaks out right before some multi-colored light is emitted. "What is going on?" Sona asks.

Various thunderbolts strike the area around far from here and a dark filthy liquid makes its way out. Two red glowing eyes appear near the top of the sludge as it takes the form of a giant dragon.

"Look over there!" Sawatari yells as every one notices it.

"That couldn't be...the king of the netherworld..." Yuni says in horror.

Manibus comes beside Vivian and says, "Talk about bad luck, huh."

Vivian says, "So it is your king?"

Manibus says, "Yeah, but we are traitors now."

Yuya says, "That black mass is setting his sights towards here!"

"Does that mean we failed in sealing the eight gates?" Crow asks. "Then the world was doomed and it'll be locked in the darkness of the underworld?"

"We're still here, that means it isn't completely locked in." Yuzu says. "We can't let it come here!"

"Okay, but, how are we supposed to stop something that big?" Rua asks.

"I have been waiting for you, Lancers." Just then, they see Condor standing in front of them. "It would appear that you were victorious in your battle against the Dark Signers. However, you were unable to seal the doors of the underworld."

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