Chapter 36 The Memories of the Beast

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In the Duel Palace, the Tops cheer Yuya's name, while the Commons cheer for Risu. Outside in the streets of New Domino City, Sora notices Yuni and the others as he goes to them.

"Everyone." Sora yells as they notice them.

"Sora." Yuni greets him. "There you are."

"What happened? Why it is getting dark?" Sora asks.

"We don't know." Reisho says. "I think something bad is going to happen..."

Sora nods and says, "Yuni, can I talk to my sister?"

"Sorry, we defused so that she can go save Serena from the Security." Yuni says. "She told me that they just saved her and that she is going to hide her."

"I see." Sora says. Before he can ask for more, they hear Melissa's announcement.

"The third match of the third round is Yuya versus Risu!" Melissa says.

The group is shocked as Katrina says, "They are going to continue the match?"

"Something is fishy about it." Kazama says.

Sora says, "I'll go check it out." He then leaves as the others decide to go find Serena and the others.

In the Security Headquarters, Jean-Michel Roget places a white knight down and admits, "Usually, I would have preferred having Yuya Sakaki undertake the mind-altering surgery but... Thanks to Akaba Reiji, Akaba Reisho, and Sakaki Yuni's interference, my plans were slightly disrupted."

Roget turns into a wicked smile and says, "But I must have Yuya win this Duel and with great flash and splendor. I'll need him to defeat that Yuni and Sona look-alike with such an awe-inspiring performance that all of New Domino City won't be able to take their eyes off him. While that goes on, I'll finish off Reiji Akaba and the council with Sergey."

He looks at Sergey in the van and says, "To accomplish this, what I prepared is..."

Yuya picks the helmet up, unaware that Roget placed the Control Device inside it, and he thinks, "Roget has restrained the Council and Reiji so he can take control of this world. However, Reiji managed to save them, who knows when they'll be back. And Roget is after Serena and Yuzu as well...We're the only ones who can do something right now!"

"Good, now all of the pieces are in place." Roget thinks to himself, and he moves a white knight, telling Yuya, "Now then, make it flashy for me, enough that it is fitting to celebrate my success in gaining rule over this dimension!"

Fireworks explode in the night sky as Melissa states, "Now then it's time for the entrance of both players, Sakaki Yuya and Risu."

Yuya waits at the starting line on his D-Wheel as the crowd continues to cheer his and Risu's names. Risu stops beside Yuya and retracts her visor, she says, "Yuya. I'm sorry."

"Huh?" Yuya is surprised at the sudden apology.

"About Shinji. He always gets too rash on the decision of Commons and Tops. If you're fighting such a huge enemy just like we are, there's no way you'd be working for the Tops!" Risu says with a frown.

"Risu..." Yuya smiles, knowing that Risu's mind is clear.

"I've decided I'm going to win for the kids as well. No, not just for them. For the future of this city! That's why I can't lose this Duel!" Risu says in determination.

"It's the same for me. I've made up my mind to win this Tournament to bring smiles to everyone's faces. I'll win this and defeat Jack, so I can tell people just what makes Dueling so wonderful!" Yuya says, but he tightens his hand on his accelerator and laments, "But now I can't do that..."

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