Chapter 10 Plans and Surprises

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After the duel, Yuya goes back to Ruka's house, Yuni and Katrina are waiting on the sofa. Yuya asks, "Huh? You guys are still here?"

"Brother." Katrina says. "We are just waiting for you."

"I see. You really don't need to do that." Yuya sighs a little, he is really lucky to have two sisters waiting for him at a time like this.

"No, it is fine, and you probably don't believe it, but Aki is also here, too." Yuni says.

"Aki? As in the Izayoi Aki?" Yuya asks. "No way..."

Katrina says, "The thing is, she tried to attack us without any reason until I summoned Dark Red Rose Dragon."


Black Rose Dragon and Dark Red Rose Dragon are roaring at each other, with Aki staring at Yuni, "How did you know my name? Who are you guys?"

Reisho says, "We are Lancers, I'm one of the leaders Akaba Reisho. We're on a quest to search for strong duelists to join us and fight against an enemy. For how we know your name, let's say that we've heard about you before and we did some research."

Aki turns to Katrina and says, "And the power of your did you have a similar dragon as mine?"

"Dark Red Rose Dragon has been with me since I was born." Katrina says. "However, I left her seven years ago and I just got it back."

As Black Rose Dragon roars again, Katrina's Dark Red Rose Dragon manages to stop the thorns from attacking them. Then they start to hear both Tops and Commons calling her a witch and trying to hurt her.

"They're right...I'm still a monster..." Aki mutters, which is loud enough for those to hear.

"If someone is supposed to be called a monster, it should be me, not you." Katrina says. "I am a half-vampire."

This causes everyone to get panic at what the girl has said, Katrina says, "I was also terrified myself, I tried to run away for fear of hurting others, my father comes close to me and says that if I am afraid of myself, I couldn't do anything. I should accept my powers, accept what I have become, and use the powers when I feel it is right. I think you should do the same."

"And what do you know about the pain I suffered?" Aki yells as her powers are out of control again.

Yuni steps forward and says, "Your pain is a result of your yearning to be cared for and loved. There is someone who can't accept who you are, but even just 1%, you can't give up hope!"

Aki can only stare at them before creating another rose tornado and leaves. Yuzu says, "She's gone..."

(Flashback End)

"We didn't know what happened after that, so we just get back to this place and take a rest." Katrina says.

Yuya says, "Ever since the original world split into 4 is not just the places, but the events are starting to repeat themselves..."

Yuni says, "I know what you mean. Back in the original dimension, the Foot Signer Mark belonged to Aki. But now it is given to Katrina, and she has Dark Red Rose Dragon with her."

Katrina says, "I'm a little confused about the repeating events...what do you mean by that?"

Yuya says, "In the history of Duel Monsters, there are four Duel Kings. Yuni and I have the decks of the last 3 kings: Yuki Judai, Fudo Yusei, and Tsukumo Yuma. Each of their timelines corresponds to Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Dimension."

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