Chapter 40 Flower Vs. Dragons

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With Devack's defeat, Yuya and his friends are now heading towards the second gate: The Flower Gate.

"Here it is..." Yuni says after arriving at the spot as they look at the pillar. "This is a new Earthbound God, what will happen in this duel is unknown to us."

"A new Earthbound God?" Reiji asks. "Are you sure about that?"

"Yeah." Reisho says. "And more importantly, I feel like this battle is going to be mine... but I still have no idea who my opponent will be..."

As they wait beside the pillar, nobody has come to them. Crow asks, "So there is no one here?"

"I don't know." Yuya says, and then they hear engine sounds, and then a pink and black Colored D-Wheel rushes towards them. The rider is a girl with a pink cloak, it just charges toward them until it lands in front of them with some lilies on the floor.

"How is it?" The rider says. "My special entrance?"

Ron says, "Why don't you just take off your helmet and show who you are?"

The rider then takes off her helmet and Reisho, Sora, and Sona gasp. The girl has blonde hair and black eyes since she is a Dark Signer, and then she has a flower mark on her hand.

"No way..." Reisho says, "Hana? Is that you?"

"Hana?" Zarc, Ray, and Zarine are also surprised.

"I see you still remember me, huh, Reisho?" Hana says. "My name is Hana, like Mark. I'm from the Original Dimension."

Zarc, who uses Yuya's body, says, "You are still alive this whole time? And you are A Dark Signer just like Mark?"

"I see you are here as well, Zarc." She says. "I could have dueled you for the fact that you killed Mark, but Mark wants to duel you himself, and I'm not going to argue with him for that."

"You know her?" Katrina asks Yuni.

Yuni, who is possessed by Zarine, says, "Hana is also one of our best friends back in the Original Dimension, after the world splits into four dimensions, we have no idea where she could've been..."

"She was in the Fusion Dimension all this time. She is our senpai." Sora says, much to everyone's surprise.

"Ah, even Sora and Sona are here." Hana says. "As much as I want to have fun with you, I have work to do."

Yuzu asks, "Sora, Sona, how did you know her?"

Sona says, "She was a senior when Yuri, Serena, brother, and I got into Academia. But she suddenly disappeared after the Professor's arrival, and we didn't know where she had gone."

"I was killed..." She says. much to everyone's shock. "Before the Professor finishes the Carding system for the so-called Utopia, he has been using human experiments. The experiment has failed a lot of times, and do you know what happens when it failed? It killed us immediately."

Everyone widens their eyes at the fact, and Yuni says, "No way..."


Hana was tied in the laboratory and the doctor shoots the purple beam at her, but instead of being carded, she screams before the monitor which shows her heart rate then abruptly goes to 0.

"Another failure." Professor said.

"Well, she had sacrificed for the greater good." Doctor says.

Hana then wandered into a void until she saw a person in front of her. She immediately recognized the face. "Mark! Is that you?"

Mark gave her a nod as she rushed to hug him. Mark hugged back as Hana asked, "I thought you are eaten by Zarc..."

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