I'm Fine, Couldn't Be Any Better

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         I S A B E L L A  

It's annoying really.

Having to sit here among other women and talking about celebrity gossip like it'll fix all of the worlds problems. The only thing I can think of as I sit here with a cup of tea in my that has now turned cold, is of my cat that's living lavishly and most likely laying on my bed. Not that I have a problem with that, but I desperately wish to be him at this moment.

Lay, lament, languish...

Laying in bed with a book in hand; lament over the characters that had died; languish...

I can only go as far as to ponder about it.

"So, what do you think?" Eleanor asks, making me jump out from my thoughts.

"Sorry can you repeat that? I zoned out for a bit." I reply with my most convincing smile.

Her cheeks turn to a slight pink as she clears her throat and adjusts her skirt.

"W-well, we wanted to know if you will be attending Mariah's wedding?"

Oh, we weren't on the discussion of celebrities and their personal lives anymore? Have I been living in my thoughts that long?

"Depends, I haven't recieved an invite..." I shrug as I place my cup on the coffee table.

The other women snorted at my words but I really didn't care much.

To be frank, I'm not suprised that Mariah hasn't sent me an invitation. The only relationship we have is that we're co-workers. Nothing more, nothing less. I can't exactly go outside and confidently call her my friend either. Hell, I don't even have the woman's number saved to my phone. And besides, who would invite a total stranger to their wedding? Okay, maybe not a total stranger... but still.

"Oh, she must've forgotten. I'll remind her tommorow." Claire quickly announces.

Please don't.

"Thank you." I reply with a grin.

I highly doubt that I would show up even if she found it in her heart to invite me. Not that I'm calling her a heartless woman or any of the sorts. If she was heartless, she wouldn't be getting married.

"Mariah and Fergus make such an amazing couple, it's like they were made for each other." Eleanor perks up.

The discussion continued about the two betrothed. I couldn't exactly join the conversation because I wasn't interested and I was too neverminded to act like I was. So, I just idly sat there and kept myself company with my thoughts.

A little while later, my phone rings. I excuse myself from the group of women and hastily walk of to the kitchen.

"Mom," I state without even bother looking at the phone. Reason for this is 'cause I set a ringtone specifically for her.

"How is it going over there?" She asks.

I take a deep breath in and slowly let it out. I give her the same answer like I always do when she questions me about these time-wasting gatherings:

"Not too bad but not the best either."

I could hear my mother mutter something under her breath on the other side of the phone with my response. If only I could tell her that I'm just annoyed as her.

"Look mom, no matter how many times you force me to go to these things, I won't change my mind."

"Isabella, I only want what's best for you." She confided.

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