Lessons, Friends And More Trouble

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  I S A B E L L A

"No! Slowly, don't just pour everything in or else it'd turn out all lumpy." I hastily say as I take hold of Luciel's hand to prevent her from throwing the mixture in too fast.

I could her hear gulp down as she immediately stops and slowly adds the rest of the sauce as I instructed. I give of a little sigh and lean back on the counter with my arms folded as I observed how she than stirred the contents inside the pot before putting on the lid. Her shoulders immediately relaxed as she let out a huff.

"Who knew cooking would be this complicated." She said as she stared up at the ceiling.

"What? Did you think adding random ingredients in a pot would give you a good result?" I question.

"I mean, it did look that easy whenever I watched my mom cook so..." She replied with squinted eyes, averting her gaze from the ceiling.

"Sorry to break it to you but it's not that simple." I commented with a chuckle.

Luciel walked away from the stove and made her way right in front of me. Her eyes locked on mine that seemed to hold no emotion.


I looked back up at her with a raised brow, tilting my head to the side as a way of trying to figure out what's going through her mind and also because she was so damn tall.

She took a step closer, placing her hands on the counter on either side of me, her expression impassive. Slowly, she inched closer till our faces were leveled.

It's then that I notice her eyelashes were long and her eyes a mix of green and light blue. The scent of her honeysuckle and vanilla cologne was tickling my nostrils by how little  space there was between us.


Luciel lay her head on my shoulder followed by a long dramatic sigh.

"If I had known that I would have to go through all this torture, I would've never agreed to this." She said with a hint of tiredness as she nuzzled further into my neck.

"Now, now, don't be so discouraged. It's only been a few days, you can't exactly become a Gordon Ramsay in that short amount of time." I reassure her as I reached out and pat her head in a soothing manner.

"Cut me some slack-"

"The food is burning." I state.

Luciel quickly rushes over to the stove and removes the lid from the pot. I watch her expression change from stressed to relief in a matter of seconds. She let out a 'phew' with a hand placed on her chest before putting back on the lid and giving me a death glare.

I couldn't hold it in and burst out laughing with my head thrown back.

"Can you try to not give me a heart attack for once?" She asked with worry laced in her voice.

Before I could reply, we heard a knock on the door. Luciel checked the pot one last time before excusing herself to see who it was.

Over the past few days, I found myself spending more time than usual at Luciel's. I could say it was because of helping her in cooking but that would be a lie. Even if we weren't having a photography session or busy in the kitchen, I spent most of my free time at hers. At first, Luciel would occasionally send me messages to know if I was free and if I'd like to come over. But after a while I too, starting reaching out to her which led to me visiting more often and spending a couple hours at hers. We spent our time watching movies or just chatting away. She'd also tell me about the assignments she had and would show me old sculptures she made when she younger. As time went by I learnt alot more about Luciel.

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