It's Not That Much, Really

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"So, Jonathan. How is the new school treating you?" I questioned.

Currently, Jonathan and I were enjoying a cup of coffee at his while basking in the afternoon sun on the balcony.

"Still need to get used to the new environment. So far I don't have any problems other than it being so damn far. And as you know, I'm not a morning person." He says as he drinks down the last of the liquid.

The promised coffee outting that Allistor was supposed to take me on turned to Jonathan's responsibility. Jonathan actually suggested it because of how busy Allistor was and was worried that he might overwork himself. Of course, I declined at first and I didn't want Jonathan to feel responsible for his boyfriend's promises but turns out he genuinely wanted to hangout.

"I'm sure you'll get used to the new routine soon enough." I affirm.

Jonathan humms as a reply and empties his mug.

"Any news from your family?" I ask.

He went silent and simply slumped back with a sigh, running his hand through his hair.

"Christina keeps me updated but I haven't heard anything from my parents in years, as always." He replies monotonely.

Jonathan's parents are very religious so when he came out as gay, they lost their cool. He was a mere teen when he announced the news which led his parents to making an absolute mockery out of him by sending him to so-called 'doctors' as a way of getting him 'fixed'. They couldn't accept that their son was attracted to men and tried finding different ways of making him 'normal'. According to Jonathan, there was a time when his parents lost all hope and sent him to a church camp in hopes of him 'finding the way of God'. The experience left him traumatized due to the other kids he joined on the camp bullying him and the priest who sexually assaulted him.

When he returned home, he packed his bags and left without a word. His parents didn't bother calling him nor care about his whereabouts. But, his sister was worried sick about him and searched for him. Thankfully, he was easy to find and was infact by one of his close friends. Long story short, his sister keeps him updated about how things are with their parents.

"How is she by the way?" I ask.

"She's doing pretty good, pregnant with her third child now actually." He says with a smile plastered on his face.

"I can tell she's a great mother, even though I've only met her once. As weird as this might sound, but,she's like the light of a dark room." I commented.

Jonathan turns to me with a look of utter confusion.

"Don't you mean the highlight of your day?" He questions with a raised eyebrow.

I simply humm as a response and check my watch.

"I need to go." I tell him as I take my keys and phone from the table.

"Oh, you meeting that photographer today?" He perks up.

"Yup, thanks for the coffee. Tell Allistor he still owes me though." I say and make my way to the door.

I heard a 'Will do' from Jonathan when I made my way out.

Today I'm meeting up with Luciel for the shoot. She sent me her address around six this morning and told me we would meet around 3pm because she had classes. I agreed and told her she just needed to tell me when she made it home.

When I arrived at the address, I noticed that it was in fact an apartment complex. I looked at the address Luciel sent me just to confirm and was satisfied when I actually noticed her leaning against a wall.

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