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"Wow." I say in awe.

Luciel was seated on her office chair behind her desk while going through all the photos she took of me on her computer. I was behind her, leaning on the chair and looking at the photos with her.

It really suprised me.

I always considered myself not being photogenic and never even bothered to take a simple selfie. The only times would be at events, company dinners, when I hung out with friends or any other rare occasion. Allistor would secretly snap photos of me whenever we hung out but unfortunately he wasn't exactly talented in that field which resulted to the photos turning out blurry or captured from the wrong angle. I will admit, I did appreciate the effort but told him to stop when I saw that there wasn't any improvement. The only thing it ended up doing was capturing all my bad sides and making the photos turn out awkward.

Before the shoot, Luciel was planning on using the lighting of the ring-lights but changed her mind after observing the room. She said the afternoon sun rays gave more of a natural and warm feeling, thus, she decided to move a two-seater couch facing the large window and had me seated on it. I striked different poses as she instructed. Luciel snapped from multiple angles and took three to four pictures of the same angle. Luckily, it wasn't full body photos and was only profile.

"Do you like it?" Luciel asked.

I take a look to the screen and sure enough, I didn't just 'like' it, I loved it.

In the photo, I was staring directly at the camera with my head slightly tilted up. My eyes were hooded due to my eyelashes, even so, the sun still managed to shine on them giving it some type of glow. A small smirk was plastered on my lips with my hair messily parted to the side. It was beautiful really. The longer I admired it I couldn't help but feel like that wasn't actually me and that Luciel was playing tricks on me.

It was childish to think so, but, maybe the reason I'm having such thoughts is because I've never seen a good picture of myself? It's a stupid speculation but at the same time I can't help but wonder.

With a smile I glance back to Luciel, a small grin already plastered on her lips as she looks at the rest of the photos.

"It's good, you're really talented." I tell her honestly.

She got up with a stretch followed by a grunt as her stiffened bones cracked due to sitting down in a hunched position for too long. What made it worse was that she ended up taking photos in awkward positions to get the proper angles.

"Not just my talent, you have to take the model into account as well." She said as she glanced back at the screen.

I simply scoffed at her words and make my way to the large window. The warm light that entered the room slowly whisked away due to the sun setting. It was getting late and the night started to wake with street lamps and some cars passing by. Seeing as though I live in a quiet neighbourhood, I admired the scenery of bustling people at night as well as the shops that were still filled with customers.

I glanced at my watch and saw that it was 7:45pm. With a sigh I averted my gaze from the window and was suprised to see Luciel with a camera in hand clicking away.

"I thought we were done?" I said with a raised brow.

"Sorry," she replied with a chuckle and placed the camera down on her desk, "it's a habit."

"You say sorry yet you don't look one bit of it." I call her out with squinted eyes.

Luciel puts her hands up in defeat and looks away with an amused look on her face. I shake my head with her gesture and take one last look back outside before making my way to her desk and picking up my cellphone.

A Photographer's Viewpoint Where stories live. Discover now