Unknown Surprise

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2 years later...

"–which is why I decided to say yes." Casper said.

"Say yes to what exactly?"

She let out a sigh of annoyance and leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees as she looked at me with concern. I met her gaze but felt a little uncomfortable and awkward as she just continued... staring.

Was there something on my face?

I started feeling up my face. It was stupid, yes, but the way she looked at me was like I was messed up in the head or something.

"Luciel did you not hear a single word I said?" She asked, her voice failing to hide the anger bubbling up inside.

Honestly, I had no idea what we've been discussing for the past hour.

Whenever she asked something I would either reply with a 'yes' and nod my head as a way of showing that I was paying attention but in reality, I wasn't.

Truth is, I was a bit concerned about Isabella. About a week ago, there was a bit of an 'incident'.

Seeing as Isabella and I have been dating for almost two years, we decided to celebrate by going out on a date. We went to the movies, ate at L'Assiette, and ended it off with a stroll through the park with vanilla cones. Throughout our day out, we turned into a few stores and ended up buying a lot more than intended which tired us out even more. The date overall went well. When we reached home, both of us were dead tired. While Isabella took a shower, I cleaned the house a bit and packed away the things we purchased for the day.

Next thing I knew, I heard a loud 'Fuck' coming from the bathroom.

I remember rushing to the bathroom thinking she slipped in the shower or any other scenario which ended up leaving her in pain. But that wasn't the case, fortunately.

"So? What exactly happened?" Casper asked.

"She ended up finding one single strand of grey hair and kinda freaked out about it." I said and couldn't help but snicker remembering her face. Her reaction was priceless

"So you're telling me Isabella, the Isabella, got surprised because of a strand of hair? I find that hard to believe." Casper states as she rubs her chin deep in thought.

"Believe it or not, that's up to you to decide. Anyway, I think I should head back." I say as I get up, "She's probably home by now."

Casper showed me the finger and walked me to the door.

"Tell Nev I said hi when he gets back." I tell her and give a hug.

"Will do."

After we said our goodbyes, I headed home. I borrowed Isabella's blue BMW so there was no need for me to call an Uber. The drive home was a bit longer than normal. Apart from it being the weekend and people being out and about causing heavy traffic, it was also because Casper lived a good distance away. She and Nevin decided to move in together a few months after dating. The guy works for his dad who owns a couple of small businesses around the city so he pays most of the rent. Casper mostly buys groceries and other necessities around the house.

I was a bit taken aback when she told me her and Nevin would be moving in together. The reason for this is that Casper has a history of having roommates who were completely disgusting and were the cause of more than half her stress. Luckily, Nevin wasn't a complete slob.

Casper worked at a bakery meaning she was paid at an hourly rate. She wasn't making much and mostly spent her money on personal care and other wants while staying at her parents' place. Nevin wanted them to stay together and after hearing about her situation, they agreed. The guy was willing to pay for everything but Casper refused and said that it was complete bullshit. Nevin takes out a bit more when she's a bit low on cash, but Casper always makes it up to him somehow.

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