The Dreadful Day

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The day has finally arrived...

Why in the hell does it sound like I'm the one getting married?

I woke up feeling refreshed this time and not seeing my cat's asshole first thing in the morning. I got up with a big stretch similar to the one's on TV advertisements.

Today is the day where I'm planning on outshining a few people. Specifally being my female co-workers and the bride. I wasn't exactly planning on doing this, but, Allistor somehow convinced me to do it. And being the petty person I am, I thought why not go for it? I know it's quite childish and messed up but I'll simply be wearing something... extravagant? Of course, I have no intention of ruining the wedding, I only plan going all out on my outfit and putting some effort into my appearance. Not that I don't put effort into my clothes, but seeing as though the only place I go to is work and home, I don't really care much...

I started making my bed and took a quick shower. I then proceeded to eating some buttered toast and drank a glass of water. After that, I brushed my teeth, gave my cat fresh food and water and finally started laying my outfit out on the bed.

It consisted of a long red dress with a slit that'll reveal one of my legs. The shoes I decided on were black higheels with gold covering the heel itself.

I had no idea what to do with my hair and decided to call Allistor. He was the one that picked my outfit and even advised me on what to do when it came to doing my make-up.

Like I said, the guy was basically a fashion icon.

"Allistor I have no idea what to do with my hair." I state immediately when he picked up the phone.

"You know, I still need to get used to the fact that you're a total asshole and act like a know-it-all, but in reality you're a damn idiot who knows nothi-"

"Are you going to help me or not?" I cut him of.

"... Do a side part with curls. I'll send you a picture for reference." He replies with a sigh.

I end the call, threw myself on the bed and grabbed one of the heels. I held it up and looked at it as if it was some kind of art piece. Which in a sense kind of is...


When I visited my mom yesterday, I basically went on my knees for her to stop making me go to those stupid gatherings. Of course, I have a choice of going or not but if I don't abide by her word she'll do something stupid. The last time I went against her word by not going, she took matters into her own hands and went ahead to set up a blind date for me. She tricked me into believing that I would meet her at a restaurant and that the two of us will have a 'mother and daughter' moment. At first, I was skeptical about it and wanted to question her as to why she was demandent on me having to wear 'proper' clothes. I thought that we would only be dining at some fancy restaurant and just did as she told me to. When I showed up and was led to a table by one of the workers there, my mood instantly dropped when I saw some gruff guy seated there and not my mom.

I'm not one to make judgements on one's appearance, but what he wore already told me that he was a major red flag! Who the hell wears a stained trucker shirt to a restaurant? I somehow convinced myself that it must've been his favourite shirt so I greeted him with a smile and ignored the ragged looking thing.

The rest of this supposedly 'mother and daughter bonding time' turned to a 'shit date' my opinion.

The guy talked about what he wanted in a woman and was expected from her. It was the typical 'women needs to listen to men no matter what 'cause men are stronger and without men women are shit'. I almost lost my shit on him and wanted to stab the guy with one of the untensils which were neatly placed on either side of an empty plate. During his whole rambling of how he thinks women should act and how they should behave, I imagined myself stabbing him with a fucking fork. The more I listened to him, the more my mind would find very creative ways of murdering him!

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