Hold Me

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Some 80's pop song was faintly playing in the background with the radio presenter commenting every now and then. I tried paying attention to what he was saying but gave up moments later and focused on the road instead.

Occasionally, I'd glance over at Isabella only to find her doing the same as me with a blank look; her seating position unchanged and her demeanor looking aloof. Her hands were neatly placed on her lap with one leg over the other.

The roads were mostly quiet with barely no cars in sight and only a few people roaming around. I swerved around the corner and sped up over the red light. Isabella didn't seem to mind which gave me courage to speed up a bit more.

Neither me nor Isabella tried sparking up a conversation after what happened moments ago. Even with a bit of music playing in the background, it failed to hide the tension that made itself known between the two of us. My grip tightened around the steering wheel while my other hand was gripping my thigh. Luckily, my blood didn't rush down south when Isabella sucked my finger, unfortunately, the image and the sensation was very much vivid which is the reason why I was trying to pay attention to the road while listening to the radio. It was hard trying to remain calm and collected but I wasn't going to cave in because of my desires.

Our destination was close yet it felt so far, leaving me feeling restless. I wasn't sure if Isabella felt the same way but at some point I saw her move in the corner of my eye. After a while, the place finally came in to my view.

It was a 5-star hotel, bright lights along with everything else that screamed 5-star and rich. From the point where Isabella and I left the car to when we finished the whole check-in procedure felt like a blur.

Next thing I knew, we were on our way to our room with her following closely behind me. The corridor was quiet, almost as if we were the only ones on the third floor. I could hear each and every step Isabella and I took as well as my heart rate quickening. Even so, I kept up with the cool demeanor with my back straight and my eyes looking at each and every door, counting down till we reach our assigned room.





I stopped in front of the room and glanced down at Isabella, her eyes trained on the door. I studied her body language and sure enough, I felt a smirk creeping its way up my lips. I placed the keycard on the scanner and opened the door with a beep.

Not even a second later, I roughly pulled Isabella by her wrist and shoved her against the door that closed with a loud slam. In that very same instant, her lips were on mine with a heated kiss. Both of us were fighting for dominance, tongues colliding with one another, swirling around with passion and panting heavily. The taste of alcohol was faint but oh so enticing. Her tongue lapped with mine felt so fucking good and somehow sweet. Her arms flung around my neck and pulled me closer. My hands immediately went down her ass and hoisted her up, her legs instinctively wrapping around my waist. Isabella's hands cupped my cheeks and were then tangled in my hair the very next moment. A groan escaped from her throat when I squeezed her ass, making me break our kiss with a string of saliva connected between the two of us.

Our labored breaths mixed together with the adrenaline that was coursing through our bodies along with our close proximity. Isabella reached at the back of her head and pulled down a clip, throwing it aside on the wooden floor with a thud. Her fluorescent hair fell down, framing her face along with a few strands landing on my forehead.

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