Sweet Words And Trouble

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I immediately froze up when I heard that nickname.

Please don't be him!

Please don't be him!

Please don't be him!

I was basically pleading and praying in my head before finally taking a deep breath in and slowly releasing it. I turn around with a small smile, my hand gripping the tongs for dear life.

Fuck! It's him!


What are the chances of running into your ex of three years ago?

Considerably high seeing as though he's standing right before my eyes! And in a bakery no less!

He looked the same as three years ago, just more lean. His tan skin was glowing without any blemishes with a little stubble. He had hazel doe eyes with a straight nose and naturally thin pink lips. His attire was casual but formal; a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms, denim jeans with said shirt neatly tucked in and black sneakers topped with a Rolex watch. He could pass for a pretty looking guy or handsome, if only it wasn't for that crappy hairstyle!

Whoever told him going blonde would be a good idea lied!

"Wow, it really is you. It's been a while since I've seen you, you look...different."

The hell would you have done if it wasn't me?

And of course I look different, it's been a whole three years since we last saw each other.

Back then I didn't care about wearing anything extravagant and barely put any effort into my choice of clothing or my overall appearance. I used to wear sweatshirts and basketball shorts with slippers, in public! My hair was always a mess and I looked like the walking dead with droopy eyes and dark bags circling them. I'll admit, I should've made an effort to at least try and look presentable but I was much more ignorant and didn't care about the weird stares I got.

"It sure has." I tell him with a bored tone.

I don't know why he called out to me and I don't want to figure out why either. I show him I'm uninterested and continue with placing a few croissants in a box.

"How've you been?" He asks.

Get the hint and leave me alone already! I have no interest in talking to you!


"I see. Are you still a lawyer?"

Enough! What kind of question is that?!

Annoyed, I place down the box and tongs and face him.

"Brandon what the hell do you want?"

He looked around for a bit before finally giving a long sigh as if mentally preparing himself to word out his thoughts.

"Can we, talk? I was-"

"No, now leave me alone." I state and turn back around.


"Oh for Christ's sake!" I yell and slam the tongs and box against the table harder than I intended to, drawing attention to me and this prick, I mean, Brandon.


I drag him outside, a good distance away from the bakery and into an alleyway. It wasn't the most convenient place but good enough for me to tell him shit and not draw any attention.

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